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Dear someone,
I'm so done.

To: Principal Harris
From: Olivia

I've sat for hours at this little wooden desk that I've had for the majority of my life trying to come up with some kind of excuse that's profitable as to why I was in your office but to be honest with you Mr. Harris I've had a very long week and my fucks to give are unfortunately gone. You see imagine being locked in a room with a lion, for a week, the only thing separating you two is a little wooden desk similar to the one I'm sitting at now. Would you be afraid Mr Harris? I'm using this example because all of my life Mr. Harris I felt like Kyle was this lion just waiting to attack me. And he always did whenever the opportunity was given. So you can only imagine what it was like to spend a whole week alone with him. The purpose of me telling you this isn't to bash Kyle, I'm sure Kyle is only this insufferable towards me, but, I walked into that office a terrified naive girl and left out of there feeling just as naive but without a single fear. Have you ever felt that way? Like nothing really matters so what's the point of fearing things, because, in the end, it all ends the same.

I blame Madeline Green. Kyle's sister and my ex-friend. If she would have just stopped being such a selfish bitch for two seconds maybe she'd see how her brother is a psychopathic asshole and I'm a naive idiot and putting the both of us in a locked room didn't do shit but make matter worse and excuse my language but you wanted honestly right? Do you want to know the worst part, Mr. Harris? I still kind of feel guilty, like I'm the one who did something wrong and I hate myself for it. I hate myself for making Kyle hate me. How is that a star student that's shown no hatred towards a single soul but me? I always thought he'd grow out of it and even had the fucking audacity to think that maybe he actually had a crush on me at one point of time, but now it's clear to me that his hatred for me is deep-rooted and endless no matter what I do and what I say Kyle Green will always hate me and for so long it would keep me up at night not knowing why or what I did to get this kind of treatment but do you know what? I don't give a fuck and oh my god Mr. Harris have you ever done that? Just stopped giving fucks out to people not worth your time? If you haven't you should try it because I swear to you it's the most therapeutic thing I've ever done.

Sometimes you just have to let go of things that were never meant to be and allow yourself to just be. I know this isn't a thousand words but it's about 500 and 500 is half of a thousand which is close so yeah thanks for coming to my ted talk and please for the love of all thinks holy don't expel me.


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