Kyle- 25

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^^play this song on Apple Music or Spotify or SoundCloud I suggest while reading this chapter, to better understand how Kyle's feeling-
Song: The Knowing
Artist: The Weeknd

Dear no one,
I don't no how much longer I can hold the truth in, I don't how much people's feelings I can continue to try to protect, but maybe that's not why I haven't told anyone the truth. Maybe the truth is a lot more twisted in sick for some to handle. Maybe the truth will make them hate me more.

I don't know why I'm like this. I swear I don't want to be like this.
A lot of people are familiar with the saying that there is a thin line between love and hate, and I swear if there's even the slightest bit of truth to that, Olivia fucking erased that line and placed white out over it. That line whether if it was there are not, it's gone. All I can feel is hate.

First, she takes my dad, ruins my mom, befriends my sister and now sleeps with my best friend. I could be fucking delusional but I swear if I didn't know any better I'd think she's doing it all on purpose, perhaps she's been plotting to ruin my life since the day she stepped foot in our town.

I can't remember the last time I cried, and I'm not saying that to brag or to be prideful but because I truly don't. I never really had a childhood. My " dad" never thought me how to ride a bike and my mother wasn't there when I fell down to tell me everything was going to be alright. In fact, I remember telling her that instead on more than one occasion, but it's fine because I was born on my own and I've experienced most of my life on my own and I'll die on my fucking own, it inevitable. So if you really think I give a fuck about what you think of me and how I chose to live my life your out your damn mind. At the end of the day, in life it's just you, you have to learn to like yourself even if you don't, I learned that the longer you pretend to the more you fail to realize the difference.

I just feel like everyone in my life has screwed me over and I'm not the type of person to feel sorry for myself because from a far distance to an outsider looking in I know my life would seem like the American Dream I mean I live in this great house and though my parents aren't even...nvm...I have an amazing opportunity to free education and I come home to a hot meal every day, I have a roof over my head and clothes on my back and I hate that I still want more but I do. Because in a perfect world my mom would be here and my dad would be my dad and Olivia wouldn't be..... No don't think about that...I would be able to not think about jumping off my two-story roof without pills. I wouldn't be so angry. I could love someone , without hurting them. You see I keep blaming Olivia for the reason I hurt her but truthfully even if she didn't do and be everything I despise her for if she had been just a normal girl that moved next door I probably would still end up ruining her. It's in my genes, and that's not an excuse because you can have shit parents and still be great but I don't know I guess I'm just destined to be a failure. I hate that I think so much, I should really take my medicine but...

"Kyle...or you okay?" It's Madeline. I'm laying on my bed in the dark with my face toward the ceiling and at that moment I felt that if I were to actually speak I'd cry, and the thought disgust me. So I stayed silent hoping if I stayed quiet enough I'd would be like disappeared and I'd physically would match how I emotionally feel: invisible.

But she didn't leave, she's never truthfully left yet out of everyone I swear I've treated her the worse. Even worse than Olivia, she just doesn't know yet.

"Kyle how come we don't talk like we use to?" Her voice is so small but her words float around in the air hovering over me and my nose flairs. I want to scream the truth at her, I want to be filled with anger but the more I'm silent the more that anger rots into sadness.
I'm breathing hard and she moves closer to me in the room sitting on the edge of my bed. I wonder if she would hate me if she knew. Would she then leave to. She's all I have left, she's the only family I've ever known. The only family I have.
And I force myself to look at her. We're fraternal twins, obviously. But I say that so forcefully because one must understand that you don't have to have the same dad to be fraternal twin two separate sperm cells from two different men can implant two egg in one female birthing half twin siblings...........which me and Madeline are....but how do you tell that to someone so innocent and pure, and how do you tell her that the girl who lives next door the girls she loves like a her half-sister....that I had sex with do I tell my twin sister I had sex with her half-sister who she's best friends with and has no clue they share the same dad without her hating me more than I hate me.
I can't. So I keep it all inside till it grows like weeds in my body.

The dark hard truth is finally out: explanation: Madeline's dad is Mr.Green which is not Kyle's dad and he's been repeatedly told this since his mom left and he's always wondered why his "dad"treated him differently. Kyle's biological father is unknown. Olivia is Mr. Greens' daughter Mr. Green and Olivia's mother knows this but Olivia doesn't. When Olivia's mom moved into town it drove Kyle's mom to act out in leave town getting into more heavier drugs. This is why Kyle hates Olivia . I know this story is slightly twisted seeing as how Kyle slept with his sister's half-sister but try to keep in mind Kyle is not blood-related to Olivia in any way but they do share a sibling being Madeline who to knows nothing of any of this😭okay bye love y'all

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