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Bella POV
It's been four hundred years since I joined the army. I know what you thinking I shouldnt have been alive for four hundred years. Well no humans dont. But I'm not human. I'm a vampire shifter. The most powerful creature alive. There is very few of us. Noone knows how we are created. All we know is that we are very beautiful. More beautiful then a vampire. Or a siren. I have any power I want. I have a evil side and a good side.

I fly through the sky. That's right fly. Vampire shifters have wings. I'm flying to forks. I need to see Jacob and the pack. They are shifters like me and I also need them to know I wont hunt humans only animals.

While I'm flying I'll describe what I look like now. I'm tall probably 6'11. Yea I'm a giant. I'm very pale like a China doll. My skin is indistrutable. I have zero scars except for my mate mark and my kill mark. A kill mark is the mark that killed me and sent me to the underworld where I was turned and then somehow ended up back on earth as a vampire shifter. I have bright blue hair that matches my eyes. I have perfect skin, teeth, and nails. My hair goes down my back almost to the ground. All my piercings and tattoos are still there. I got more piercings though and I got some more tattoos. I wear only bootie shorts and spaghetti strap crop tops. With spaghetti strap bra underneath. My wing dont damage my clothes and they disappear into my back when I want them too.

I sigh as I look at the clouds. I'm almost home. I fly over trees and trees. Endless trees and endless clouds. I see people standing at the treaty line. The wolves on one side and... the cullens on the other side. I laugh evilly and they all look at me. I fly down and land gracefully on the ground my wings going into my back. I smile and look at everyone "What is this a family reunion?" All of them have their jaws open. I roll my perfect eyes "Yes it's me. I told you. You would see me again. It's too bad death had to happen first." The cullens all flinch and I smile "aww...  so I'm guessing alice saw how I died." Alice winces and nods. I smile and look at the wolves and see Jacob's wolf "awe jacob. I've missed you old friend. Dad says hi by the way." They all look confused so I sigh and fly up into the tree. "Dads with the volturi. I came back for him when I came back from the under world." I look at the cullens and smirk. I sigh and look up at the sky "Such a beautiful day. You wouldnt imagine how fun it is to have wings. To fly for days not having to breath or eat." The cullens are still looking at me with shock when my phone rings I look at the screen and answer "Yes brother." Cauis- we have a mission for you Izzy. Newborns in the south. I know you hate it there but your good at killing them.
I nod and sigh "I'll get right to it. Tell jane and Alec I say hi." Cauis- I will he then hangs up and I put my phone away and jump down and my wings come out "I have to go but I'll be back soon." I look at Jacob "I wont hunt humans only animals. And I will be living in my new house. I built a few years ago." He smiles "I'll see you soon. Be careful." I roll my eyes "I'm indistrutable jacob. Nothing can tear me apart or kill me. I'm for proof and no powers work on me. I can kill and heal at one thought. So I'll be fine." He smiles "Can I have a hug?" I nod and zoom into his arms and I hug him. I back up and wave at him then flip the cullens off and spread my big blue wings and jump into the sky throwing dirt at the cullens and flying to the texas and mexico border. When I arrive I sigh. I swoop down and start fighting tearing heads off and setting them on fire practically at the same time. Once finished I make the ashes disappear and I fly to Italy.

I arrive in Italy by midnight and am greeted by my dad, brothers, and my children. I land and zoom into my fathers arms "Daddy!" I jump back and bounce in place "Guess who I saw?!" He shakes his head and everyone looks at me amused "Who?!" I smile "I saw jakey and the cullens. And when i was leaving i flipped the cullens off and when i jumped i made sure mud flew at them. Messing up their expensive clothing." I spin around and it starts snowing. They all laugh. And then I freeze as I have a vision. I tense up and the snow turns to hail. I see Victoria going after the cullens and wolves. I growl frustrated. I look at my family and my wings turn to fire "STUPID FUCKING VICTORIA WANTS TO KILL THE CULLENS AND WOLVES!!" Cauis chuckles "Jane,Alec, Charlie go with her to Forks." I nod "thanks brother". Then I grab my purple jeep and my kids and father get in and I start zooming to Forks.

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