Ch.1 "Beginning part 2"

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                                                                    Alicia POV

My eyes look up at Isaac a question on my face dad is way to calm today he normally has us doing chores around the house, I thought 

Feeling the need to be brave I stand to my feet "We just need to survive dinner and then we're good" I said 

He nodded 

I nod my head hoping everything will be okay,

Dad is always sitting in his seat at the end of the table, "About time you two ged down here" He said he sips his water picking up his fork 

I hang my head as I slide into the seat in between Isaac "Sorry" I said 

the sound of knives and forks scraping against the plates fills the air I keep my eyes glued to the plate not wanting to look up, If Isaac and I eat fast we can get out of here quickly I thought 

"Grades come out tomorrow right?" Dad asked striking a conversation 

I keep my head down nibbling on the food hoping I don't have to speak,

"Uh yeah they do," Isaac answers quickly glancing up for a second before looking back down at his plate 

from the corner of my eye I see dad turn his head toward me "Do you think you have good grades Licia?" Dad asked 

I nodded not wanting to talk 

"you know I like a verbal answer Licia," Dad said 

"Um" I said 

"Um?" Dad said raising an eyebrow 

I lower my eyes to my glass of water 

"I've been struggling in math," I said 

"What did you get on your last test?" Dad asked as he cuts into his chicken 

my breathing getting shallow "I-I don't remember," I said 

"Didn't you get it back today?" He asked 

"Uh...." I trailed off 

his fork clanks on to his plate and I jump in my seat "Just answer the question," Dad said his voice turning cold 

"I failed it," I blurt out because of fear 

Dad threads his fingers together on the table "you failed it?" he asked 

"Dad everyone fails-" Isaac said trying to rescue me 

Dad slams his fist on the table "I didn't ask you!" He bellows 

I inhale sharply I knew he was acting too calm this was bound to happen 

"Isaac I need you to go, Licia have some things to discuss" Dad said 

Isaac pushes away from the table "Come on Alice" Isaac said trying to get me out of the situation 

Dad's hand snatches onto my wrist before I can push away, "No Licia will have to stay here I need to show her something," Dad said 

Dad digs his nails into my skin, he won't do anything until Isaac leaves the last time he did this I ended up with a broken wrist because he pushed me down the stairs,

Isaac stands behind me hands resting on my shoulders protectively "I'm not leaving without Alice" Isaac said 

Dad stands up squaring his shoulders "She'll meet you later," He said 

"Now Isaac!" Dad yelled 

Isaac didn't move 

"Fine I'll make you leave," Dad said grabbing Isaac and pushing him out  as Isaac struggled out the door then locking it

"Now sweetheart what are we gong to do about those grades," Dad said in a cold tone 

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