Ch. 6 "Panic"

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                                                                 Alicia POV

the next day Isaac dropped me off at school,

"I'll be waiting right here when school is over, Just call me if anything happens okay," Isaac said 

I nodded He gave me a hug and left,  to tell you the truth I'm still in shock of what I seen yesterday I walked into school,

I sat in the back of class barely listening to the teacher trying to figure out what is really going on, Isaac acted like he could hear something that wasn't in hearing range last night, I thought 

What is he hiding from me? he never keeps secrets from me, we always rely on each other, even if I am way younger than him, 

I felt my heart rate pick up, every time I close my eyes I see dad's lifeless eyes staring back at me, what if whatever did that to dad comes after me or Isaac, I can't afford to lose him, I thought I felt the walls closing in on me, I felt as if I couldn't breathe, 

Am I really having another panic attack now! I thought as my breathing got faster and more shallow, 

Grabbing my books I rush out the class room, 

"Miss Lahey!" I heard my teacher yell 

but I didn't care I ran to the locker room my back slid down against the door my knees to my chest as I continued to hyperventilate, 

"Alice!" I hear someone bang on the other side of the door it sounded like Isaac 

"Alice open up!" He yelled again 

How did he know I was here and having a panic attack? I thought 

"I-I can't" I said having a hard time talking as my breathing got more rough I'm sure he could hear it,

"Open up now!" Isaac said 

I moved to the corner of the room my head in my knees, I hear the door burst open and rushing footsteps  coming toward me,

I felt Isaac pull me into a hug into his chest as we sat on the floor,

"It's okay you're okay," Isaac said as he petted my hair

I listened to his heartbeat my breathing slowly getting back to normal,

"H-How did you know I was here?" I asked 

"Don't worry about that right now," He said as he rocked me and petted my hair 

"Come on" Isaac said standing up helping me up 

"I have practice," He said 

I nodded 

I'm now sitting on the bleachers watching the team practice, What the heck is going on? I thought 

"Ms Lahey?" 

I look in the direction and see three officers,

"Y-Yes?" I asked 

the one in the front wave his arm like he wants me to follow him "We need you to come with us sweetheart," He said 

I hesitantly climb down from the bleachers one of the deputies grabbing my hand what's going on? I thought the Sheriff walks over to Isaac's coach while the two officers and I stand back my breathing starts to pick up, Sheriff walks over to us with Isaac,

"Alice?" Isaac said walking over to me 

The Sheriff runs his hand over his mouth "I'm sorry to have to tell the two of you this but..." He sighs "your father is dead we think he was murdered," Sheriff said 

Me and Isaac show no emotion I mean why should we the man tortured us I thought as Isaac wraps his arm around my shoulders 

"We're going to need the two of you to come in for some questioning," Sheriff said 

after they tried to question me I wouldn't talk because I only talk to Isaac no one else, 

They usher me out of the room and down a hallway where's Isaac! I need to see him! I thought as I snapped my head around as we walked to another room filled with two holding cells, 

im a kid they can't lock me up! I thought 

"No wait!" I twisted around in their hold I dig my shoes in the floor "Wait!! where's Isaac?! I need to see him!" the two officers grab on to me as I struggle "Isaac!! ISAAC!" I yelled 

"No!" Isaac yanks his arm free and reaches out for me "She's having a panic attack let me help her Alice Breathe!" Isaac said 

Next thing I know everything goes black 

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