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"This place smells like moth balls." I whispered looking up at Jungkook, who sat across from me engrossed in whatever book he was reading. "I'm bored."

"I came here to study, Mina." he said not taking his eyes off his book. "You should probably do the same."

When Jungkook said morning, he really meant morning. He woke me up at 7 am just so we could find a table before the library gets packed. I didn't even know people actually went to the library, I thought it was just there for people to like get books but people actually study here. I didn't actually have anything I needed to study for and I honestly thought Jungkook would have some friends here with him but he didn't and now I've been sitting here for almost 2 hours bored out of my mind pretending to read a book I've never heard of. 

Studying has never been my forte. I've always been the one to do just the right amount of work. All the classes I take have been classes I know will be easy. I don't challenge myself as much as I should but I also don't really care to. Jungkook on the other hand, was the overachiever. He was in sports, a straight A student and in most of the clubs. He was known as the artsy jock, the girls, teachers and parents ate it up. My parents praised Jungkook more than they've ever praised me. In their eyes, he could do no wrong. Back then, all I had to do was mention Jungkook and they'd be off my back. They even let him sleep over countless amounts of times in high school, we never did anything other than like make out back then but still they trusted him more than they trusted me. Jungkook was my first kiss so that meant he was also the only boy I kissed until I actually ended up getting a boyfriend. At first we told each other it was strictly just for practice but we were both hormonal teenagers and probably enjoyed it more than we should have. 

Looking back, Jungkook and I did a lot of dumb things. We both had a lot of friends at school but we never were friends with the same people. I would force Jungkook to hang out with my friends sometimes which he hated but they loved it because they thought he was so cute. He would also hang out with me and Jaebum a lot. I don't think Jungkook minded as much as Jaebum did. We used to argue all the time about Jungkook, one time he even walked into us arguing about him. They didn't necessarily like each other but they got along for me. I think the whole relationship Jungkook was just waiting for him to screw up so he could beat his ass but I don't think anyone was ready for what Jaebum actually did. I laugh now when I think back at it but at the time I was devastated. I don't think I have ever seen Jungkook so angry, I had to sneak him into my house so neither of our parents would find out they got into a fight. All I can say now is that Jungkook got hands. I was too deep in memory lane to notice that other people had joined our table until I heard a very loud giggle.

"You're so funny." A very pretty girl said placing a hand on Jungkook's shoulder. I laughed to myself watching as Jungkook put on his signature smirk and joked around with the girls that joined us. I wanted it to be me that would be surrounded by attractive men in the library but instead it's this idiot who always wins. "What are you studying for?"

"Psych." Jungkook answered putting his book down. "There's something about the human mind that is just so beautiful." 

I almost died right then and there. It's been a while since the last time I've had to witness Jungkook talk to girls. It kills me every time. He used to be afraid of even looking girls in the eyes now he purposely maintains eye contact to fluster girls. Can't lie though this dickwad is pretty entertaining. I kept my comments to myself enjoying how this is going to play out. 

"I didn't see you the other night at Jung's party." another girl pouted. "I was looking forward to seeing you."

Jungkook chuckled, "I was there. You should have came to find me." he smirked turning to look at her. 

"Well, I'll definitely come look for you at his next party." she smiled. "It's next Saturday, you'll be there right?" 

"Promise." he winked and it took everything in me not to bust out laughing. 

The girls got up talking excitedly amongst themselves. "See you soon, Jeon." One of the girls said before they hurried out of the library.  

"Jeon fucking Jungkook." I whisper shouted making him laugh. "I don't know if I want to laugh or throw up. I just got high school flashback and I'm so disturbed. Who knew my innocent angel baby was such a whore?"

"Nobody said I was innocent." he chuckled. "This is just how I talk to all the girls."

"You're such a dork." I laughed using my hand to try to muffle the noise. I legit was on the verge of crying from how funny this whole situation is. I don't think I've laughed this hard in so long.

He rolled his eyes, "I'm not a dork." he crossed his arms making me laugh even more. "You're going to get us kicked out of here."

"Thank God." I mumbled trying to calm myself down. 

"Are you done?" Jungkook asked watching me take deep breaths so I would stop laughing. 

I shook my head, "There's something about the human mind that is just so beautiful." I mocked falling into another fit of laughter.  

"You're an asshole." Jungkook laughed. "I thought it sounded good."

I shook my head, "It's probably the dumbest thing I've ever heard." 

"Speaking of dumb, you want to go to Taehyung's?" Jungkook asked packing up his belongings. "He just invited me to his place."

I nodded a little too excited, "Please, literally anywhere but here." 


Sorry, it's so short. A very short but very important chapter. 

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