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It didn't take long for things to go back to normal. Jungkook and I picked up where we left off and he hasn't asked about that night since we had the talk. I know it bothers him and I can tell he notices when I have to give myself space from him. Before being around Jungkook was completely fine but now it's like I'm suffocating when I'm with him and not in a bad way. He makes my heart feel warm whenever I'm with him and it's overwhelming. I love him...a lot and it's scary because I'm trying not to. Sometimes when he hugs me too long or stares at me I get really flustered and I freak out. I find myself being extra cautious around him and he notices it but I know he won't say anything.

"Do you want to drink with me tonight?" Jungkook asked peeking his head into my room. 

"I don't really want to go out." I answered. "Have fun though." 

He chuckled, "I have a bottle." he grinned. "Me and you. Tonight. Living room."

"Right now?" I groaned hugging onto my blankets. "It's so cold."

"I'll keep you warm." he winked making me roll my eyes. "Come on, it'll be fun."

"Fine." I said giving in. 

Once I walked into the living room, I immediately smiled to myself. Jungkook set up blankets and pillows on the floor with nothing but the dim fairy lights on. We used to have this set up almost every week in middle school for our romantic comedy marathons. Jungkook wrapped his arms around me from behind, resting his head on my shoulder. 

"I thought it was the perfect time to bring back our old tradition." he said making me melt in his arms. "Do you like it?" 

"I love it." I smiled making Jungkook hug me tighter. "Seriously, thank you."

"Of course," he said letting go. "I'm gonna grab the bottle in the fridge so go make yourself comfortable." 

I kept smiling to myself as I sat down on the ground. Fuck, I was so in love. If Jungkook were to do this 2 months ago I would still think it's cute but my heart wouldn't be beating this fast and I definitely wouldn't be blushing so hard. I forget how sweet he is, it doesn't help either because it just makes me love him more. Tonight is going to be very hard.

"So," Jungkook said plopping down beside me with a cheap bottle of red wine in his hand. "We should catch up."

"What's there to catch up on?" I asked watching as he took a sip straight out the bottle. "No cups?"

"I don't feel like washing them later." he shrugged passing me the bottle. "We haven't gotten to spend a lot of time together recently, I feel like I never see you."

I took a big gulp of the wine cringing at the taste, "I see you every day, Jungkook."

"Yeah but when was the last time we got the chance to actually sit down and talk?" he asked using his thumb to wipe the wine that spilled out on my lips, it made my heart skip a beat. This is going to be a long night, I thought to myself as I took another sip of wine. "So, what's new?"

I shrugged passing him the bottle, "Jin and I went to this café the other day and I saw Jimin on a date." I answered trying to think of any other exciting news. "She was cute, she's super short and wears glasses. Jin told me her name but I completely forgot. It was cute though, Jimin was blushing the whole time."

"Oh yeah," he chuckled. "It's the girl he's been bumping into on the train. Thank God, he finally asked her out. He would not stop talking about her, it's about time."

"It was so cute." I sighed. "I'm jealous, everyones been getting to go on dates."

"Isn't this kind of like a date?" Jungkook asked making me blush. "Dim lights, wine and the two of us alone."

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