Chapter Twenty-One: Ruari

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pix of Jean ----->

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Ciaran's miserable and to be honest, I am too.

He hasn't returned to his room since we had our last conversation and he seemed to be going out of his way to stay clear of the pack house. It's either he's really busy with pack duties or blatantly avoiding me. I have a sinking feeling it's the latter.

The only other time I got to see him properly was this morning when he happened to pass by the living room where I was sitting and watching television with Cale. Even though I didn't want it to, my heart did a few back flips and summersaults at the mere sight of him.

He looked like he hasn't been sleeping well. His usually tanned skin was a bit pale, there were bags under his eyes and he hadn't bothered to shave. He looked unkempt but even on his disheveled state he still looked good enough to eat. I tried to talk to him but he looked to be in a hurry to get away so I just let him do what he wanted without making a move to stop him.

It's your fault! Rothe nagged for nth time. You're punishing all of us and for what? Even you don't know! I keep telling you to come clean about Jean but no, you have to obstinate and...

I blocked him off and sighed.

Rothe's not going to tell me anything I haven't heard for over a dozen times already. He's been on my neck since I told Ciaran that Jean is coming. He kept insisting I should tell Ciaran the truth.

I would have told him the last time we talked but Ciaran's feral expression stopped me. I knew in an instant that if I tried he wouldn't believe me. I would be wasting my breath and both our times. So I just left him alone to believe and think what he wants.

A decision that I am now starting to regret.

But what else was I supposed to do?

Ciaran immediately tensed the moment I mentioned Jean's name. I could feel his ire rising by the second and murderous aura was emanating from him in huge powerful waves. I was nervous to say or explain anything, to be brutally honest. I was afraid he'd forget himself and let Keiron out. Cale was with me and I didn't want to risk his safety by staying with Ciaran when he's on that sort of mood.

I tried talking to him a couple of times after that incident but Lorcan kept on intercepting me before I could get near him. And after a few times of being respectfully but properly shot down, I just gave up. I figured he'd understand the situation once he sees Jean for himself.

"I need to borrow a car," I told Bran the second he entered the attic apartment.

"What for?" He asked cautiously.

"I need to pick up Jean from the airport."

"Does Alpha Ciaran know?"

"If he spared some of his precious time to talk to me, he would have." I answered irritably.

Bran has been my closest ally and friend. After recent events I was confident that we've gotten closer. I thought he, of all people, would understand and wouldn't question me. That he wouldn't think the worst about my relationship with Jean. But from the look on his face, I guess I earned another non-believer.

"I think it's not a good idea for you to go and see Jean."

This is getting annoying.

"Fine, I get it." I sighed. "You don't need to help me with the car but can you look after Cale while I'm gone?"

I don't like leaving Cale alone and even if the omega in charge of taking care of the pups said I could always call on her I want someone whom I explicitly trust to be with Cale when I'm not around. Someone who could protect him in case he needs it.

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