Chapter Twenty-Seven: Ruari

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to celebrate getting more than 1k likes, this chapter is again dedicated to everyone who's been with ruari and ciaran on their journey from then to now.

just thought this song goes well with this chapter. ----->

oh fun fact about me... i love boyce avenue",) 

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I've been running tirelessly for hours...

I could feel the warrior wolves from Moonscape trying to keep up with me but this time I didn't want to wait for them to catch up.

Don't ask me why I'm running. I just feel the need to. Even Rothe is urging me to run as fast and as hard I can.

Maybe I'm punishing myself...

But running to the point of exhaustion is not enough after everything that I found out this morning.

Why didn't he tell me sooner?

Once the familiar scent of sandalwood and fresh-cut grass grew thicker in the air I pounded my paws harder on forest floor.

I've been tracking his scent for hours. I didn't want to ask anyone where he' gone and why. All I know is I needed to find him, to talk to him. And I have to do it by myself.

I arrived at a clearing deep in the forest past the northern border of the pack lands. There stood a small log cabin with Ciaran's scent wafting faintly around it.

I hurried forward and nosed the heavy door open but the cabin appeared to be deserted. The walls were bare and it was sparsely furnished. Although Ciaran's scent was around, the cabin looked like it haven't been used for some time.

I wanted to howl in frustration. I was sure this place is where he went. I guess all I've been doing for the past hours was tracking his scent that lingers here.

I was about to leave and renew my search when I felt the familiar prickle of awareness not far behind me.

"Ruari?" His voice echoed through the open space between us.

I slowly turned to find him standing by the tree line.

He was wearing faded blue jeans. His chest and his feet were bare. His jet-black hair was wind blown and tousled. And his midnight blue eyes were shining bright. He looked like he's been hunting.

Ciaran stood tall, unmoving, for a few seconds. Like he couldn't believe that I was actually there in front of him. But once he got his bearings back, he frowned and strode forward with purposeful strides towards where I was.

I watched him approach and that's when I noticed the mark on the left side of his chest. A tattoo separated from the ones covering the right side of his upper torso. A perfect copy of the one I have inked on my skin.

Ciaran doesn't look happy to see me. I was suddenly afraid he'd send me away. There must be a reason why he's isolating himself on this place and my presence could be an unwanted distraction.

I was still standing, frozen, by the doorway. He wouldn't be able to enter the cabin unless I move. I figured if I stand my ground I could get him to talk to me and avoid getting the door slammed in my face.

But once he got close enough to reach for me, I instinctively backed away. He kept on moving forward and I kept taking cautious steps back. I continued with my unconscious movements until I heard the door slammed shut behind him.

"Are you going to stay on that form or are you going to shift back so we could actually talk?" He said when I didn't shift back after we've been staring at each other for quite some time. "Not that I mind. It'd be easier for me to keep you here when you're in that form."

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