28. Healing

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Hey, guys!! I know that I literally took a century to finally update! I have so been busy--and well you know. But I didn't forget about my stories, so I won't waste any more of your time, enjoy.🤗


** Amy Pov **

"What the heck were you thinking?!" My attorney was speaking through the glass window.

Yea, I was still in jail.

"I--I didn't want him to hate me" I reply.

"It's a little late for that, don't you think?!" says my lawyer.

"You ruined his life, Amy" she adds. "I know that--" I answer.

"Then why did you do it?! You have a bright--had a bright future. You're a model--" she says.

"I--I wanted him back, okay" I admit.

"He has moved on" she sighs in distressed. "okay. Look, all you need to focus on is your career. I talked to the judges and you will be serving a few months her"

"They are aware that you've made enough money to bail yourself out. You will not be receiving those privileges. In other words, no bails allowed " she explains about my arrests.

"Please don't do anything else crazy--" she continues but the lady officer interrupts.

"Time's up, Ms. Adams" she announces.

The woman officer puts back the handcuffs in front of my wrists.

"Don't worry you will be out before you know it" she says while I got up my chair.

She waved goodbye as I return back to my cell.

Yea, I hope so too.

I really hope so.

** Becky Pov **

I decided to be at peace with everything that has happened so far.

I'm learning to trust God through it all. The very same day Amy paid us a visit in our home.

I felt a little nauseous and I quickly went to the bathroom while matt was in our room asleep.

I made sure to locked the bathroom door.

I felt myself getting sick. I was going to throw up and then I did.

I vomited rapidly on the toilet.

Oh no--I can't be--

I looked myself in the mirror.

Am I pregnant?!--How did I get pregnant that so fast?!

I know that I've been really needy towards my husband in that area on the loss of our baby.

I just wanted to feel something other than the emptiness I felt suddenly for being childless.

At that time matt was the only thing that made me feel alive--well physically at least.

Was it that night?!--the night he was tiredly from work and I woke him up in at night--to please me.

Ugh, should just sleep that night instead of waking him up to do the deed.

I rinsed my mouth in the sink and went back to bed.

I gazed at my sleepy husband spent a few more minutes looking at him.

Yes, it's kinda of weird to do that but a zillion questions fogged my head as I stayed awake.

"d-do you need something, love," he asks sheepishly as he awakens.

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