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                                                            "girls need love too"

i walked out the classroom getting looks from people mostly girls who were probably mad that d even touched me let alone talked to me.

i ignored them all and made my way to my next class not wanting to be bothered.
i looked down at my phone
the a$$ d- i need to talk to you after school so meet me at ur house
me- dumb ass i live at my house so you would have to meet me
the a$$ d- wtf ever just know we talkin
me- like hell we are. i said what i said. you said what you said . we said what we said. and that's it. anit shit else to say 🤷🏽‍♀️.
the a$$ d- keep up talking to me like that i teach yo little ass a lesson
me- good bye dummy

i closed the message app and walked to my car. truth be told i  could not come to any of my classes and still pass. i was really ready to be done with everything.
pulling up to my house i just sat out front. in less that two days will be the anniversary of their death. I can't help but think about different ways that day could have played out.
I tell people "it happened for a reason and i could not have stopped it" but truth be told i blamed my self for the whole thing. every bit.
I missed them so much. and i could even go back and make it better.

tears fell from my face as i fell back in my chair letting it all come out.
i always held in my emotions. i always had to be strong. i had to grow up fast as hell with no time to breathe.

my life ways a constant cycle of looking over my shoulder and not trusting anyone. not letting anyone to close bc they could very be taken away from me too.

i didn't want to go in the house. so i just went to go get ice cream.
walking in to the store i went to the back where i new the ice cream was.
i grabbed a mix ice cream and went to get whipped cream. i walked past the candy apples and picked up a few along with some chips. i walked to the self checkout and rung my stuff up and left.
pulling back up at my house i looked at the time 1:40
i had atleast 2 hours to just mop around and watch tv and that is what i was gonna do.

i didn't want to even pretend to be happy right now. i just wanted to be.
i had major writers block with this chapter lmao next one will be better (i hope)

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