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"D stop" yelled out mel as was splashing water on her from the sink
"why you don't like when i make you wet?" d said with a slight smirk on his face as mel froze from embarrassment.

it's been over 4months now seance they have been dating and everything has gone smoothly with a couple minor fights here and there, yet nothing they couldn't bounce back from with a bit of talking.

Mel was extremely happy with were she was in her life, everything was going great besides one major problem.

she hadn't told her brothers yet

it's not as if i avoiding it she thought to her self knowing she was surely avoiding telling them, fearing they will try to end it.

mostly everyone one knows about them, and have said they will keep hush about it all until they told trey and khail

a smile crept on mels face as she watched king turn over on his belly. king was 6 months old and a very advanced baby.

d decided to keep king as his kid and his "mother" rarely see's him, not because of d but because she didn't truly want the child.

mel walked over to king and picked him up as kings eyes lit up when he saw mel.

"hey baby" mel cooded at him as king smiled showing of his toothless smile.

"you're so great with him" d said in her ear snaking his arms around her waist smiling in her neck.

mel blushed looking down at king seeing him fall asleep, she broke free from d's hold and placed king down in his baby bed. then she went to clean up d's apartment a bit. "

"baby i told you, you don't have to do that" d sighed pulling his shirts down,

"it's fine baby really" mel smiled back not really minding

"we're you going though" she added looking at then back down "imma run to the trap real quick to get a package and i'll be back okay?" d said grabbing his coat.

"okay baby please be safe" mel said walking to hug him goodbye.

they pecked on the lips and d was out, leaving just mel and the baby by themselves.Yet mel didn't mind, she in fact enjoyed the quiet time she had in her hands with king be put down for a nap and d gone she finally had time to think.

In a month or two she was starting college classes, she chose to do a couple courses leaving her schedule somewhat free since she had to take care of king with d.

She meant what she said about supporting d no matter what. she walked over seeing kind in a fast sleep as she decided to post a picture.

 she walked over seeing kind in a fast sleep as she decided to post a picture

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♥️liked by 798,875 others
bby.mel- My king☺️🥰
- ohh him so cute 🥺 i gotta see him soon
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for some reason his comment didn't sit right with me i don't quite have a reason as to why it just seemed weird, and every since me a d got in a relationship he has been distant from me.
idk what's going on.

D sat outside the trap preparing himself for the cold winter air to hit him.

Opening the door it felt like he was slapped as he quickly ran inside not forgetting to lock him car doors.

entering the trap he dapped up his boys walking over to treys office.

"wassup young nigga" trey said dapping him up

"nothing nothing" d said in return looking around

"how's your kid" trey questioned d looking up from the money he was counting for a brief moment.

"he cooling mel watching him for me right now" d said waiting for his pay.

trey continues to count to money putting stacks of hundreds in to piles.

handing d four piles of the money he continued their conversations

"so you and mel hanging out more now a days" trey said like he was trying to find out what was going on

"yeah i guess you can say that" d said backing away about to leave since he got what he came here for.

"ight nigga don't fuck her over" trey said giving up as he got up and dapped d up.
he trusted d and knew he wouldn't do any thing to hurt mel
never nigga never" d respond back truthfully. he wouldn't fuck mel over. not after what she has do for him.

he truly cared for that girl, with all of his heart.

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