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Kakashi's PoV:

As we were leaping branch to branch my mind wandered over to Hira, she kept by my side no matter what and somehow we work well together unlike anyone.

I glanced over at the Hyuga girl to find her half asleep and she looked hazy and somehow in an instant her eyes closed and she didn't push enough to reach the next branch and just started to fall. "HIRA!" I found myself yelling out as I took a sharp turn and jumped down at an angle to catch her. When she was safely in my arms I landed on a branch a little lower than before then next few branches before jumping down to the floor. I softly laid her down when I saw her passed out. The rest of the team joined me.

"Sensei, is she alright?" Obito asked worried and tried to get closer, but for some reason, I didn't want him to and blocked him, my excuse. "Give her space Obito," I said and kneeled down on the opposite side of Rin as I looked over my friend's body for any injuries. "She has no external injuries," I stated as worry filled me. "She'll be fine, she just overused her chakra, maybe on her Byakugan," Rin said after she had inspected her for anything that may be fatal or symptoms of what was wrong. "That's highly unlikely, Hyuga's are use to using their Byakugan and their bodies were built for it so they use the least amount of Chakra on it," Minato-sensei spoke making us all look at her, then something flashed into my head when Sensei spoke.

"But she didn't really use her chakra, only for the jumps and speed." Obito comment and I thought about it for a while. "Can it be that her body won't be used to the Byakugan if she isn't a full Hyuga?" I asked intrigued by my female comrade and that made the whole team turn to me. "What do you mean?" Minato asked. "Obito do you recall the day of the exam where you got your headbands and you, Hira and I went out for lunch?" Obito nodded before I continued. "We had asked her about why her sensei would be training her so hard from such a young age and she responded about her only purpose was to protect the Hyuga-Clan's main household. When I asked why she replied with 'Because it wouldn't matter if they lost a half-blood...' " I repeated her exact words as everyone looked over at the passed out girl as she started to stir.

Hira's PoV: 

As I was waking up I could hear chatter and nature sounds around like the birds chirping. I sat up with my body aching. "What's going on? What happened?" I asked looking around at each of my team members. They were all staring at me with shock. "Hira?" I looked over at Minato-sensei as he had called my name. "Yes, Sensei?" I was so confused about what had happened that his next words took me by surprise. "Are you a full-blooded Hyuga?" he had asked and I gulped. I felt as if I couldn't lie as his piercing blue eyes looked at me expectantly along with two pairs of onyx eyes and a pair of brown eyes. My eyes fell to my lap.

"No, but I am not allowed to say anything else about it though as I risked everything by telling you already that I am a half-blood." I sighed as my mind was filled with worries not at what my uncles would do to me, but at the fear of what they may think of her now. It wasn't common for Hyugas to marry other clans not to mention having a child with them. It wasn't allowed as the Hyugas wanted purebloods, a strong bloodline. "That's alright, but I need to know about these things to know your limits." My head shot up at that.

"How is it a limit for me?" I asked as I had no idea what he was talking about. "The Byakugan, Hira. There's a reason that Hyuga clan members forbid a mix of a child with another clan. The Kekkei Genkai of the  Hyuga clan is very strong, so strong that it uses a lot of chakra and a pureblooded Hyuga's body was made for this amount of chakra usage, you being a half-blood can only use so much before your body fails from lack of chakra. But sometimes it's not really the case as there could be non-pure bloods strong enough to master the Byakugan, but none so far." I nodded as the information sunk in, "They never told me this." I spoke softly mostly to myself.

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