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The sun beating down on my face woke me from my deep slumber. My eyes were still groggy and scratchy from the crying of the night before. I took in the site from where I laid on my side facing the window. I decided to get breakfast ready and so I tried getting up, but as I said... I tried... I looked to my waist where I was held in place seeing a bare arm wrapped around my waist. I had one of Kakashi's old shirts that didn't fit him anymore and then I had my now dry shorts on.

The grip of the arm tightens as I try to slip out from under it and the tightening grip resulted in me being pulled against a chest and the resulted in my face turning into a tomato.

I knew who's arm it was as I had fought with him that he can't sleep on the floor of his own house. So we shared the bed even had put up a pillow wall, which obviously didn't work. I turned in the arms of my crush to see if I can wake him up so I can finally be released even though I didn't really mind this, I felt protected and safe.

As I turned I found Kakashi his mask still somewhat on his face, just covering his mouth and revealed his nose which was so adorable. My legs automatically tangled up in his as he pulled me closer into him and that brought our faces much closer than before.

I stared at the last part the mask was covering, I just wanted to kiss him on his real lips so badly, but he was sleeping and he let me into his home so I can't do that to him. His hair sagged a bit and was thrown in every direction taking my eyes off his lips. I just couldn't stop myself as my hand subconsciously went up and brushed through it just like back at the lake, but it was much softer dry and was a bit tangled in some places.

I didn't stop brushing my hands through his hair when Kakashi groaned and his eyes fluttered open after I had retracted my hand. His onyx eyes stared at me tiredly. "Why are you so close?" he asked and I sighed. "Well I'm kind of being held prisoner on my side of the bed," I said and looked down at his arm around my waist. The boy followed my eyes and lazily slid his arm off my waist and turned to lay on his back pulling his arms behind his head and under his pillow as he stared at the ceiling before closing his eyes. "Thanks," I said with my groggy and awful morning voice that felt strain as I rolled over to the edge whilst sitting up.

Throwing the blankets over my legs had me open to be hit with the chilly morning air, I always loved that feeling in the morning. I watched the morning sky being lit up by the rising sun from the window, it was a sight I always adored from when I was just a small child. After just staring at the sun for a moment it got hard to look at the sun as it began to get much more sharper and blinding so I blinked and stood up. Walking to the door whilst stretching was relieving for my muscles and I headed straight for the kitchen.

The sizzling of bacon and eggs on the frying pan along with some toast that popped out of the toast filled the kitchen with the usual morning breakfast aroma. It was enough for Kakashi to get up much earlier than usual and bead to the kitchen, the boy might never admit this, but he usually sleeps until late and then rush to get a few things done and would grab an apple for breakfast before heading out to meet the team. Hira on the other hand had gotten used to being woken up early and her body had started to adapt to that time and so she would wake up and head straight to Talia to help with breakfast.

"You didn't have to make breakfast," he said in a hoarse voice and I smiled as I flipped a bacon strip. "It's the least I can do for what you have done for me as well as letting me stay here is not something I can let pass by without giving you something in return.

Kakashi had fixed his mask, but I couldn't say the same about his messy hair still it didn't look bad on him. Without a word Kakashi walked up to stand behind me peering over my shoulder but I swatted him away. "No. No, go sit down." I shooed him off which he only chuckled at, but he still followed the semi-demand.

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