Chapter 19 - A Day -

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  Hey there... It's been a week since Sasuke and me were dating. I'm telling you, it was the best thing I could ever ask for! Because our days were nothing but happiness, it didn't have any regret like before.
Oh yeah! Forgot to tell you, Halloween is almost near too, and guess what? I'm actually in the store, buying some materials and decorations for Halloween. We actually have a week left til that day. Sasuke is actually beside me, muttering some words, fingers on his chin, seriously choosing decors. He had a very straight face on, then I could feel his dark and mysterious aura, making me shiver in response.

"Hey, y-you should stop making that face. It's creeping me out." I pointed out to Sasuke, stuttering a little bit. He scratched his head, "Oh, umm, sorry about that." he smiled and I smiled back. I walked over to where he was and helped him choose some of the materials, "Hey, how about this?" I grabbed the material I found and showed it to Sasuke. Anddddd there he goes with the scary face. I nudged his shoulder a little, telling him he should literally stop making the very scary face since it was creeping me out. In the end, he understood my little sign and kept a normal face, a little bit scary but not as bad as he used to look like. "Yeah, I guess this one's okay." he gave me his opinion from my chosen material. Let's get back to reality, I mean, look at both of our bags. It was full of decorations and such, and it was heavy as heck, it actually might be heavier than my future child~ okay, ahem! I'm just kidding!!!

We went to the counter, paid for the things and went outside the Halloween store. I actually know who I should be for Halloween! I'm going to be Yuuki Asuna from Sword Art Online! It was actually a very nice anime, the second season was not as good as the first one though, but it's still worth it. "Lets go." I said as I wrapped my shoulders around his, smiling to myself feeling his warm body. It was all I wanted, all I needed, and all I could ever have.

The sun was fully awake, it was shining bright, there was a little bit of fresh breeze, trees swaying around, birds chirping, and most importantly, I could hear Sasuke breathing. We both decided to walk home since it was only a couple of blocks away, to be honest, this Halloween store was actually made only just a few weeks ago so of course, we decided to check it out. Turns out, it wasn't a disappointment, it was actually very worth it since we bought tons, no, hundreds of stuff there. Then I could feel Sasuke starting at me with his very mysterious eyes, I looked up at him, "What is it?" then he quickly looked back up. "There's just something on your face." wait, is this a lie? Double check! "Really? Where?" I said as I started to feel my face for any signs of bumps, dusts, or dirt. "Here." he went close to my face with a straight face on as usual, then I found out he was going to kiss me. I quickly looked away, making him groan in response and go back to his walking position. "You know, having dirt on my face is not an excuse for kissing me." I complained.

"Besides, " he listened, "You could always ask for one." I softly said, with a slight blush forming on my cheeks. It actually felt like my cheeks were tight! "Hm?" he asked. "Nothing." I immediately shot back like how a normal person would do if they said something really embarrassing. "You know, I'm not that deaf." he smirked as I chuckled. Though inside, I was actually crying, blushing, screaming and having mixed emotions. Don't expect me to not blush at a time like this! I could see this was going to be one of our happy days...


"Ahh... We're finally home..." I said relieved, stretching out my body in attempt to remove all the sore parts. Sasuke was already putting down the paper bags at the tables, quickly opening it and taking a peek at the inside. I went towards the couch and satisfied myself, settling down like a lazy bum, watching Sasuke do all his stuff like. A. Boss.  Heh... "Hey Sasuke." I called out, sensing he was listening. "Did you ever fall in love with Sakura?" he stopped doing all his stuff and looked at me. "No. But, there was this one time I thought I did." he straightforwardly said, shameless. I wonder how Sasuke gets his confidence-.-.  "I see." I wasn't actually pretty sad about it since it would do nothing but just make me anxious. After all, Sasuke is already mind and I am his. If Sakura were to take Sasuke, I'm sure Sasuke wouldn't like it.

Maybe we'll just start decorating tomorrow, and I should probably invite Naruto over to help the both of us on decorating my house. Okay okay, I am excited, I'm just lazy today, so maybe it's a good thing that we do it tomorrow. Besides, Naruto might be busy doing something else. And by the way... I've been curious...

Has Naruto gotten over me?


Sorry I hadn't posted in a while and only made a very short chapter, days were actually pretty busy since I had practice for my cheering. Anyways, I actually changed my paragraphs. That's all!


(I'm still sorry though 😅😅😅😅😅😅)

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