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Rebecca George may come off as a total babe in school but at home she slept in a Snoopy pajamas which wasn't something Aria was going to forget anytime soon. Tonight Aria had shared things about herself that she hadn't told anyone before and it felt good to have done that. Jane and Rebecca had been equally as honest with her and their bond had strengthened yet again, now tethered together by more than just the tragedy that had brought them together. Aria knew this night would be remembered months from now, if lucky they'd be having many more during the summer. At the moment they were all seated on Rebecca's large bed in their pajamas while eating snacks and gossiping about everything under the sun. Currently Jane was talking about college boys and their antics - they were a colorful bunch.

"If you think that college boys are any different from high school boys you are right - they're worse," Jane explained, "in college they have far more freedom to run havoc and believe me they do. That's why it's so important that people like Brody and weaklings like Bobby are stopped before they have a bigger playground to play on." 

"When do they mature, then?" Aria asked.

"By the time they get to the last semester of their final year they have toned it down a little. I think the fear of walking into adulthood calms them down a little." Jane said.

Somewhere in the distance a phone could be heard receiving a text message and Aria perked up in an instant. The thought of it being Tom almost made her jump out of bed just to check if it was her phone that had given off the familiar sound, but she quickly stopped herself. It earned her the looks of both Rebecca and Jane that looked very intrigued as to why she had reacted so fast.

"Waiting for someone to text you?" Jane winked and they all shared a laugh.

Rebecca leaned back and nodded when Aria gave her a look of insecurity. She knew there was nothing she couldn't share with these two and so why not get some advice on her current romantic troubles.  Aria nodded while blushing and settled back into her position on the bed. 

"It's a guy that is a regular at my mother's cafe, an older guy," Aria started off to sense what Jane's reaction would be.

She looked hungry for more facts, "Don't be vague, tell us." 

"I've had a crush on him for a while now and it's only lately that we've gotten closer to each other. He says he can't be with me because I'm too young but the other day we almost kissed and it's not the first time we've been in a compromising situation." 

"How much older is he?" Jane asked.

"He's graduated college and has a proper corporate job, a job that he'd risk to be with you Aria." Rebecca reminded what she's previously said to her.

"I know that, I do, but we keep getting close. I may be eighteen now but that won't last forever and besides I haven't asked him to be my boyfriend, just to kiss me." Aria sheepishly answered.

"A kiss could lead to many things and maybe he's just making sure it doesn't go too far." Jane offered as an explanation. 

Going too far was exactly what Aria wanted them to do but she left that unsaid. Since getting advice from Rebecca about Tom her views had changed slightly. At first she had thought herself as selfish for wanting him despite him trying to keep her away, but those thoughts had escaped her now. Instead she wished Tom would be honest to her and himself about what he was actually feeling instead of giving her hints before pulling away. 

"I've never felt this desperate for someone before, it's scaring me. We haven't spoken since that almost-kiss and I'm afraid we won't and to lose him now would be...it'd be heartbreaking." Aria felt the fear take a hold of her and she forced the tears back by tilting her head back while blinking vigorously. 

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