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It was the day before prom, a day before judgment day if you will. To Aria, Jane and Rebecca it was a day filled with nerves and excitement rolled in to one dangerous explosive and tomorrow they would set it off. Aria had wrestled with the decision not to tell anyone she knew about what she had gone through but today that was going to change. At first she had consider choosing Maya and Julie to be the ones to know before tomorrow but it wouldn't do any good but simply seem like a ploy to get them back on her side - which she wasn't as desperate for anymore. No, the people she had chosen to reveal it to were her parents and in some way she hoped it would bring some missing unity to their family. 

Aria had woken up early and made breakfast and had made sure to ask her father to be there for her announcement, under the impression it had to do with college. Catherine was easier to get up seeing as she had to work at the cafe, a place Aria wanted to stay away from since yesterday's abrupt good bye to Tom. 

John's car pulled in to the driveway just as Aria served a plate of bacon onto three plates and noting that this would be the first time in years they'd all have breakfast together. Eager to usher him inside the house Aria rushed toward her father who confusingly let his daughter lead him into the kitchen.

"Where is your mother?" John said once he saw the three plates set on the table. 

"She'll be right down. Get yourself a freshly toast bagel over there and have a seat." Aria instructed when her mom was heard walking downstairs.

Her mother who had yet to know of her soon-to-be-ex's presence looked more than shocked when she stepped into the kitchen. John chose to look at his plate in shame while Aria immediately began explaining to not have Catherine storm out in a dramatic fashion.

"I called dad and asked him to come over, so there's no need to panic. Can you please have a seat and have something to eat? I won't make this a long speech." Aria pointed to the chair next to John where Catherine reluctantly took her seat.

"Is everything alright?" Catherine couldn't help but ask.

"It's something to do with college, I know that much--" John offered.

"Actually, it's not--" Aria cut in and cleared her throat.

She stopped briefly to remember the faces of her parents before their lives changed forever. The little girl they once saw would be wiped away as the new Aria Willows would emerge - one with a lot more scars. With a deep breath she gathered courage from within and began speaking.

"This school year has been my toughest one yet but not because of academics, really. I wish I could say it was nerves about college or failing grades but that's not it. This year I decided to run for prom queen, an impulsive choice, and in order to gain votes I hosted a party--" 

"A party?! I swear to the highest powers if you have broken something in this house you are paying for it - without your father's help!" Catherine hissed and glared at John who she assumed was about to defend their daughter.

"I didn't have the party here, mom, I hosted it at the lake," Aria took charge once again, "but something happened that night, something that might explain my behavior after. There were some boys there, one of them I know quite well, and they were going to help me gain votes for prom...but they lied." Aria trembled as she remembered her panic state when she realized what was about to happen to her.

John straightened his tie and gave Catherine a nervous look before their eyes narrowed at Aria. Catherine's eyes still had beamed with confusion but John's eyes had changed rapidly. Being a corporate lawyer he had probably heard harassment stories and assault stories carrying on in the workplace and could therefore tell the signs of someone who'd gone through it, but to hear it from his daughter couldn't be easy. 

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