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A few more days passed before Yoongi woke up with that same girl lying next to him.

He was shocked, definitely. He had almost been able to convince himself his cat was nothing more than just a cat. Seeing her lying there on his sheets was something he was convinced he'd never be able to get used to.

Yoongi got uncomfortable sharing such a small space with this completely naked girl. he left her a bathrobe that she could change in if she remained human and went to the kitchen to grab his breakfast.

"You're up early." Seokjin said with a mouth full of food.

"Cat turned into a girl again. She's hogging most of the bed." Seokjin got up and started walking to Yoongi's room.

"Hyung, you can't -" Yoongi tried to stop him, but Seokjin had already opened the door and caught a glimpse of what was inside. Almost immediately Seokjin closed the door again.

"I see..."


The moment I woke up, I could feel it. The cold, the damn cold. I immediately realized what had happened and opened my eyes to see if my owner was still there.


Was it because of me? was he disgusted by me? Did he hate me?

I sat up and my eye fell on a black robe that was placed on the bed. What was that doing here? the fabric felt nice and soft and I decided to put it on, feeling warmer the moment the fabric touched my fur-less skin.

The robe smelled like the boy that had been lying next to me. So did everything in this room, it was hard not to get addicted to the scent.

I looked around the room from my new perspective and on his desk I saw the collar he had given me before. I picked it up, playing with the little bell for a bit. It was a shame it didn't fit, I thought trying it on without tying it and I looked at myself in the mirror. 

My bright blue eyes, pale white skin and my hair that had turned white over the years all stood out against the contrasting black robe and collar. It had been a long time since I had been able to properly look at myself in the mirror.

I hadn't gotten much taller, but I had been able to figure that out already. My waist had gotten smaller, since I hadn't been able to find much food out on the streets, but my chest and hips had gotten bigger. 'I guess that puberty mom was always talking about finally hit me'. I whispered saddened by the thought that I couldn't share this moment with her.

I heard the rattling of food hitting a bowl and my instinct told me to run to it, so I did. I ran out the door, I ran into the living room until -


I slid further into the living room and tried to find the light in all the darkness that covered me.


Yoongi was still trying to pulse Seokjin when the rest of the group started to join them for breakfast one by one. The oldest didn't say much, but had clearly seen something in the second oldest room.

"I tried to warn you." Yoongi told his hyung as if it was his fault for not believing Yoongi's cat was also a human.

Both the boys were too distracted to notice Namjoon, who had decided to take it upon himself to make sure the cat had breakfast too. The moment the kibble hit the bowl the boys looked up, Yoongi's door opened, and everyone got confronted with something they didn't expect.

At first it was a girl, short, pretty, and only covered by a bathrobe, running towards them. Then, as she seemed to notice them and take in the situation, she seemed to get smaller. She kept shrinking until there was only a small pile of bathrobe on the floor and a little 'meow'  could be heard.

Kitty - BTS ( Yoongi )Where stories live. Discover now