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bts-army_OT7 thanks for your concern! Sorry to worry you. I haven't been feeling that well lately (nothing bad, just really tired all the time) so most of my energy has gone to house work and I would be too tired to write after that.... Hope all of you are ok!

my responses to you guy's reactions:

bts-army_OT7 yep, don't forget Yoongi has family trauma too..

JanaMaged213 I cry easily too, one sad commercial and I'm grabbing the tissues... Thanks for the compliments!

-Honeyyun- Yeah... I have the tendency to give my characters messed up sad sides.... Thankfully it isn't based on reality though!

KutieKandyKat Namjoon is simply trying to learn how to cook ok, let the boy cut onions all he wants! XD 

Minsugagenius0709 and Lotuslee010608 I already responded to you in the comments, but thank you so much for your comments!


Namjoon thanked the girl that arrived with his coffee. She smiled, seemingly wanting more than just a "Thanks" but Namjoon wasn't interested in giving it to her. He grabbed his notebook and started writing down the lyrics he had just come up with during his walk. He sipped from his coffee, and looked outside the window he was sitting at.

In front of the cafe was a park, with kids playing with each other and dogs running around. He liked it here, everyone seemed so care free. Namjoon sighed. He missed the times when he had been that care free. Or even the days where all he had to worry about were his grades. He loved being an artist and everything that came with it, but he definitely felt the pressure on his shoulders trying to drill him into the ground.

"What are you thinking about?" Seokjin asked when he joined the leader. Namjoon, still staring out of the window whilst daydreaming looked up.

"Hyung, you're here! How was your massage?" He asked, ignoring the question he had just been asked.

"Of course I'm here, you always speak so highly of this place. I just had to come see what you were talking about." Seokjin ordered a coffee for himself from the girl that had just walked over to see if there was anything they needed.

"So this is where our leader comes to unwind." Seokjin said, staring out of the window. "I think I get it." an unintentional smile crept onto Seokjin's face. There definitely was something about this place that made you feel at peace.

Namjoon smiled and the two enjoyed a long moment of silence together.


"You got it!" Jimin and Hoseok yelled though the entire studio. After a while of observing Melody had decided to give dancing another shot, finally understanding what she had done wrong in the beginning. A big smile came over her face as she jumped around in excitement. It was getting quite late already and they had planned to go back home soon, so she was happy she finally got it right before leaving for today.

"I'm no where near were I was though." She said wiping the sweat from her brows.

"A bit of practice and you'll be back there in no time." Hoseok said with an encouraging smile. Melody hoped he was right, she had forgotten how much she loved to dance.

"You're still incredibly flexible though!" Jimin added and he was right. One positive thing was, that as a cat, I had always kept my flexibility.

Melody grabbed her sweater as the others got changed back to their normal clothes. She had to focus harder than usual to turn into a cat, and once she had turned she grabbed her clothes and placed them in the bag Hoseok had brought. After a bit of effort everything was packed and Melody herself jumped in as well.

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