Chapter 13

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Harvey was home by the time I had gotten back from ballet. I took a bit longer than needed as I was stewing on how this conversation was going to go.

Nevertheless, I made my way into the front room with my head held high. It was weird coming home and not hearing the blaring of guns from the TV or the loud eruptions of stupid laughs from Harv's friends.

The silence was peaceful.

"Finally," Harvey jumped up from his seated position when I made my way to the lounge "You're home."

When I looked at his face, I felt immediately guilty. Not just from taking so long, but for the purplish bruise that I could see forming on his left cheekbone.

Nice to see I can actually pack a punch. But it still made me feel bad.

"Sorry, I was thinking about things." I replied, slinging my bag onto the sofa and moving so I was closer to him. His fingers were interlocked and were fiddling around so I could tell he was nervous.

Suddenly, he reached forward and pulled me into a hug.

I was stunned. So stunned in fact that I was frozen in place. I couldn't remember the last time Harvey hugged me.

Eventually, after realizing my arms were still lax by my sides, I slowly brought them up to hug Harvey back.

After a few moments, his grip lessened and I let go as well.

"What the hell has happened to you Harvey?" I questioned, slowly placing myself down on the sofa and facing my brother full on.

He paused for a second before slumping down in the chair opposite me, his head falling down.

"I... I don't know." His sigh was deep and he rubbed his eyes with his fingers "I've just been going through some stuff and not knowing how to let it out."

Was it school? His friends? Our parents? I had no idea what was bugging him. Usually my brother was an open book but the Harvey in front of me was guarded, distant.

"Well, you know if there's anything I can help out with then I'm here for you." I sympathized with him, knowing how it felt to have problems and not knowing how to deal with them.

I've dealt with eating disorders in the past. From being a chubby little girl who wanted to dance, to the slim teenager I am now who competes in professional ballet competitions.

It was a struggle to get to where I am now and I'm not proud to admit I went through major lengths to get there.

Harvey glanced back up at me with a small glimmer of hope in his eye, but the moment was suddenly cut short with a knock at the front door.

It made me jump, but I should've known that Harvey's friend would be over soon. I didn't mind it though.

From what he's said to me, I'd rather he be with his friends than alone.

"I'm going to do my homework." I said with a small smile, picking up my bag that I dropped and scouting for Loki before I made my way to my room.

"Thank you, Eli. I mean it." Harvey replied, his eyes following me as I searched the kitchen for my cat.

I somehow found him in one of the top kitchen cupboards asleep in a mixing bowl... Not even going to ask...

When I finally made it to my room, the noise from the TV started almost instantly, though it wasn't as loud as it usually was.

Loki leaped out of my arms and onto my bed. I suppose my bed was a lot more comfortable than a mixing bowl.

Just as I sat myself down at my desk to do the remaining bits of homework I had, my laptop pinged from in front of me.

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