Chapter 28

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The soft breath on the back of my neck slowly stirred me awake. I felt strong arms around me, capturing me in my position so I couldn't really move.

Leo was spooning behind me and I could feel every inch of... him behind me. I felt bad wanting to move considering how comfy I was but I had no idea what time it was and I needed to check my phone to see if Harvey had messaged me.

I let the moment carry on for a little bit longer before I gradually turned myself around in Leo's grip. I thought that me moving might have relaxed him to wake up but if anything he cuddled me in closer to his body.

So, here I lay with a face full of Leo's chest and unable to move.

"We need to get up." I whispered, hoping he was somewhat awake.

"Mmm, no we don't." Came his sleepy reply, his body moving suddenly so he was lying on his back. But, with his arms locked around me, I went along with him.

"Seriously?" I laughed, looking down onto his face. His eyes were still closed and his hold didn't falter on me either, so I just lay on top of him.

I could have honestly stayed in that position forever, just staring at his beautiful face. Unfortunately, my previous needs were still prominent and I had to get up eventually.

Sighing a little, I wriggled one of my arms free and made its way to Leo's bare side. Hoping he was at least somewhat ticklish, I began to lightly drag my nails on his skin.

It stirred a reaction from him instantly, his body recoiling at the touch.

"No, stop!" He said between laughs but I carried on until his arms released me "Ok! Ok!"

Finally, Leo let me go and I jumped out of the bed so he couldn't capture me again.

"I'm getting dressed now." I smiled as he'd finally opened his eyes. He re-positioned himself so he was casually lying on his side, facing me with a smirk.

"Awesome, can I join?"

Boys will be boys. I pondered on his comment for a moment. Well, he did annoy me by not letting me get up...

Instead of just leaving to the bathroom, I quickly pulled off the top that I was wearing and threw it at him so it landed gracefully over his head.

He snatched it away from his face faster than I anticipated but I was already running into the bathroom and locking the door behind me.

If past me would've seen this whole situation, she would have thought I'd had a brain injury. There was no way I'd do that 6 months ago.

It seemed that Leo made me more confident about myself. I mean, I was still self-conscious about certain things, but since dancing with Leo and getting to know him, it made me more laid-back and carefree about things.

Made me realise that there were so many other things I could worry about than just myself. I spent the last 5 years of my life in Harvey's shadow, being a nobody feeling like a nobody.

Not anymore.

I splashed some water on my face to wake myself up a bit more and got dressed into my clothes that I wore last night.

When I made my way back into Leo's room, I was half expecting him to still be in bed but instead he was dressing himself, halfway pulling a hoodie over his head when he noticed me come back in.

"You're evil, you know that?" He smirked and I had to laugh. I shrugged my shoulders to him.

"No idea what you're talking about." I poked my tongue out and pulled my phone out of my pocket.

Luckily, there were no texts from Harvey so he must still be asleep. That or he just doesn't care.

Me on the other hand, did still care about our relationship.

I sent him a text, hoping to set out a story if he did notice I wasn't home.

"Hey Harv, I went for a walk and stupidly forgot my keys, can you make sure the door is unlocked for when I get back? Love you."

At least I had something to fall back on if he questions me.

"Wanna go and get some breakfast?" Leo asked and I didn't realise how hungry I was.

"Sounds good." I smiled, slipping my shoes back into my feet and following him as he made his way downstairs.

As Leo opened the front door, we finally heard the rain hitting hard against the floor. I knew it wouldn't take long for the great British weather so appear.

"I'll be back in a sec." Leo quickly made his way back upstairs while I stared at the downpour in front of me.

Shit, my hairs gonna get so wet.

A few moments later, a piece of fabric was held out to me and I looked back to see Leo holding a large hoodie of some sorts.

"Here, wear this." He offered and I gratefully accepted the dark green hoodie "It's the smallest one I have."

I pulled it over my head and even though it was his smallest, it practically swallowed me up, the sleeves covering over my hands.

I laughed, pulling the hood up over my head "Thanks."

I was half expecting Leo to make us walk into town but he pulled me towards his car, opening the passenger side for me to slip into.

Leo joined shortly after, wiping his hair out of his face and starting the car up.

The drive was comfortably quiet, Leo concentrating on the road and me staring out the window at the rain which pelted at the windows.

I had no idea where Leo was taking me but I imagined it would be somewhere he'd been before.

He knew exactly where he was driving so it must be somewhere good. I hoped so too, considering how hungry I was.

After 10 minutes of driving, we arrived at a small café on the edge of town. Not many cars were outside so Leo easily found a space to slid in to.

The rain wasn't as hard in this part of town so I pulled the hood down and let my hair dance around in the wind.

Leo took my hand when I made my way around the car, leading me into the entrance. Once again, the same little sparks flowed through my arm and made me feel warm inside.

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