Chapter Twenty

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It turns out Jaxon had stayed behind to explain to us what had to be done. He had hid in the back room to scare us because he was immature.

I had been the unfortunate victim because... Life.

My screams undoubtedly brought the girls into the room and when Jaxon explained what had happened there were more laughs.

I scowled as everyone got their shit together and allowed Jaxon to explain what we were supposed to do. The near death experience had given me a huge supply of adrenaline and now that it was gone I felt drained and even sicker that before.

I tuned in and out of what Jaxon said.

"Stella and Ezra are the lightest. They can do that. " Uriah said with a disgusted expression.

I raised a brow, bringing my attention back to the group. Ezra could do what?

Jaxon smirked, sending me a devious look. "That would be perfect. I can show you girls where we want it right now. Follow me."

I followed slowly, my face conveying an expression of obvious confusion. Stella walked behind me, her eyes trained on Jaxon's retreating form.

"Are you alright Ezra? You look a little pale." She didn't even take her eyes off of Jaxon as she questioned me.

"Yeah, I'm fine." I lied.

She didn't seem to believe me. "If you're sick, you should have told me. You could have stayed home." She said it with a chipper smile and I forced myself not to roll my eyes.

She was playing nice for Jaxon. If I had told her I was sick, she would have made me pay a fine I couldn't afford and did a full investigation on what I did while I wasn't with her.

It wasn't worth it.

"I feel fine. Just bored."

I was bored.

She shrugged. "Well let me know if you do feel bad. "

I nodded, fiddling with my hands together out of nervousness. She lifted her chin, nearly sneering at me before accepting my answer and walking ahead of Jaxon and I.

Jaxon couldn't read the room. All of a sudden, his face filled with worry. "Hey, are you sick?" He whispered.

I shook my head, looking from him to Stella as a warning.

He completely ignored it. "Yeah, now that I think about it, you're super pale. Maybe it's not a good idea for you to go on the roof."

Go on the What?

I stopped in my tracks, poorly concealing my confusion.

Jaxon laughed. "Damn, you really weren't listening. That hurts you know."

I rolled my eyes, turning to Stella.

"The buckets of blood. They want us to set up the rig that's going to dump it." She said in a 'duh' tone.

If anything I was more confused. I turned on Jaxon. "Are you dumping blood on people?" I asked in disgust.

He smirked, carelessly. "They're all going to laugh at you, Carrie." He said in a high pitched voice.

"Eww, that's disgusting." I said turning on my heels. There was no way I was going to be a part of that.

Jaxon laughed, running after me. "Hey! It's not real blood. Corn syrup."

I crossed my arms. "You're going to start a fight. You think you can douse an unsuspecting person with blood and they're going to laugh?"

He shrugged. "I'd laugh if it was me."

I narrowed my eyes. "Maybe it should be you."

He flashed me a quick smile. "Kinky."

My attention went to Stella, she almost looked like she was going to cry. It was no secret that she was half in love with Jaxon. I didn't know why, but it was there and I actually felt kind of bad for flirting with him in front of her.

Plus I wasn't supposed to be flirting with Jaxon at all.

She stomped her feet, before storming out of the room leaving Jaxon and I alone.

"Fuck, that girl gives me the creeps." He said, once she was gone.

I pushed him. "I don't know what you have against her."

He smiled again. "It's like... she has a blender between her legs you know? My dick is not excited about going there."

I hit him again. "She's a good person. She really likes you." So I lied a little bit.

He actually shivered. "Yuck."

I couldn't help it. I laughed and I prayed that Stella wasn't somewhere listening to our conversation.

Hey, I said she was a good person.

"I'm not getting on the roof." I whispered. Just in case Stella was listening.

"Because you're sick?"

"Because it's a roof. And a mean prank."

He swung an arm around my shoulders before I could stop him. "My dick is really digging you, Ezra. Just so you're aware. "

Despite telling myself it was stupid to forgive him so easily, I laughed.


Alpha Phi Nu could throw a party, I'd give them that. It was great. The scary atmosphere paired with drunk young adults was a match made in heaven.

To my surprise, people didn't even complain when blood dropped on them. It was all laughs and sticky lap dances.

I met with Macy when it started and she and I stuck together the whole night. The entire school was there.

Kody was not.

I tried not to linger on that fact, but as it got later and later I couldn't help but wonder why he wasn't here. And not just him.

King didn't show up either which was weird. It was the biggest party of the year. Literally everyone was here.

While Macy puked in the bathroom, I pulled my phone out, debating if I should call Kody. I didn't want to seem clingy, but I had been looking forward to seeing him. I was also curious.

I knew Kody was partying, and if he wasn't at this party, I wanted to know which one he was at. I had a feeling it had something to do with whatever illegal activities he was a part of.

After much deliberation, I decided to call King.
His phone rang a couple of times before going to voicemail so I called again.

He answered after the seventh ring.

"Midget, listen. Really bad time."

I leaned against the bathroom door, shaking my head when a girl tried to get past before mouthing, occupied.

"What's the problem?" I asked.

I could hear the wind outside so I knew he was in a car. At two in the morning. Sketchy.

He didn't answer. Instead I heard him yell at someone in the backround. Putting my hand over my other ear to block out the sounds of the party, I tried to focus on what he was saying.

I can't just hang up on her Beast.

Yeah alright, just drive before he passes out again.

Fuck you, Beast.

"What's wrong King?" I asked, my voice relaying all of the worry I felt 

"Nothings wrong. Look I'll call you back. I'm kind of busy right now."

He hung up the phone and I stared at it. Focusing.

I knew that whatever was going on, had something to do with the gang of guys Kody ran around with.

And I had a sinking feeling that the 'he' that was passing out was Kody.

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