Chapter Twenty Four

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I had begged the police officers not to call an ambulance.

I was fine, the worst damage I had was a trail of deep purple bruises running up my arm. I didn't need to go to the hospital for that.

However, they convinced me (more like forced me). They'd guilted me into it by suggesting that I wanted to check on my baby. I hadn't hit my stomach or anything but you couldn't be too safe. So I went.

They'd brought me to the emergency room and a nice female doctor examined me while an officer took my statement.

And I realized there was no way to keep it from Kody.

Since Sin was an officer there was a good chance he would find out anyways so I did the responsible thing and called him myself.

He answered the phone quickly, considering it was four o'clock in the morning.

"Ezra, what's up?"

I cleared my throat, making sure my voice was relaxed. "Hey, Kody. Don't freak out but-"

"What?" He interrupted, immediately.

I winced. This was going to be bad. "I'm in the hospital. I'm completely fine. I just wanted to make sure, but I got the okay from my doctor so don't worry. I just wanted you to know."

If Sin wasn't a cop, I would have left it at that.

Kody was silent for a while before speaking. "The baby's fine?"

I sighed, "Yeah. Listen can you come up here? I want to talk to you."

Was this something that would be better face to face?

I looked down at the bruises on my arms.

"Actually never mind. "

Kody sounded panicked. "Ezra, what aren't you telling me?"

I clenched my eyes shut, wishing that I had just called in from work today. "Alright, just come up here. We'll talk."

When he agreed I hung up the phone before racing to the sink in my room and wetting a napkin before wiping my face. I wanted to look at least a little put together.

When the door opened, I spun around. There was no way Kody could get here that quick.

Sin stood in the doorway, a tired expression on his face. "Ezra? Ah...fuck."

Him being stressed made me ten times as stressed as I had been. "Sin, you gotta stay here. Kody's going to-"

"You're pregnant?"


My expression must have showed my confusion because Sin elaborated.

"I got a call, Ezra Lewis, pregnant nineteen year old attacked by some asshole outside of Lucky's."

I didn't have time to care that he knew I was pregnant. "Okay, yeah. I'm pregnant, that's not the point. Kody's going to-"

"Murder someone." Sin finished, cutting me off once again.

"Exactly." I ran my hands through my hair, trying to make it not look so messy. "You can't give him any details. Not about the guy or my statement. Just don't tell him you know anything-"


Was he dumb?

"So he doesn't murder anyone. I'd like to keep him out of prison, Sin."

His eyes narrowed. "Did you know the guy that attacked you?"

I groaned, "No."

And then I relaxed and thought it through. Sin didn't know about Beast. Beast had gotten into his car and drove away the minute the police were called. Sin just knew that some guy had attacked me. Which meant Kody wouldn't know about Beast. Unless Beast was dumb enough to tell him. And if he did, that was his ass.

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