Epilogue: Influence

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        "And as for the status of Earth," Kai started. "We've gotten word that Arizona is the last place on Earth that has undiseased. I think it has something to do with how terrible it is there."
Kai looked at me for approval, and I only nodded to the sound of his voice. I may have been on this council that tried desperately to keep Attas together, but my mind was miles away. Back on Earth, probably. I couldn't quite focus on the Tavos to get my mind off of it, either, because their blue and yellow skin reminded me that I fled Earth altogether. My problems followed me too, so of course I was regretful.
     "Tayas." One of the Tavos turned to me. His name was Lanorvykom. "How has the monserization been?"
     "It is no longer an issue," I replied. "Yes, I can still turn into one of those infected, but I have complete control over it. Does it still bother you?"
     "You are the leader of your people. We trust your judgement when it comes to these things, such as your idea to retrieve any remaining humans on Earth. The rescue squad is twelve hours away from Earth."
     "Arizona only, though," I sighed. "Save as many as you can."
     "I still think it's a bad idea," Alaxier chipped in. "We don't know anything besides the radio signals we're picking up."
     "We know the risks," Lanorvykom grunted. "We like you humans enough to do this."
     "Let's end this meeting quickly," Kaiglanr grunted. "I have things to do."
     "Don't we all?"
     We ended the meeting on that, and I walked out into the hall to find Nashi and Acki waiting for me. Acki immediately jumped up to hug me, and I returned the gesture just as boldly. Alaxier gave me a glance, shook his head, and he went on his way to his lab. He was upset because I convinced the Tavos to go back to Earth, but he should be grateful. He gets to treat so many new people when they get here.
     "Dad, are you okay?" Acki asked.
     My arms were swarming with black, and I sighed. "I will be."
     "Remember," Nashi started. "Olman's having a barbecue for the whole neighborhood. He wants you there."
     "Who said I was skipping out?"
     "That attitude says it. C'mon, we have to stop at the house to grab our dish."
     Even after all of this, a month of waiting and keeping our wits together, Nashi still decided to live with us. She was better off now because of Alaxier, so she had all of the reasons to leave me.  Yet, after even admitting she no longer sees Artomer haunt her the same way Rentie did to me, she decided that she was beter off by my side. My black arms retreated to my hands, and I looked to the sky.
     Things would get better soon.
     This time I knew that was a fact. 

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