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--------------Los Angeles, California

------------------ Same day( Olyster residence )

I slowly opened my eyes and tried adjusting them to the light. I looked at the familiar small dark eyes that were looking deeply into mine. I really couldn't believe I could ever see pity in his eyes. He was soaked.

He saved me.

After pushing me into the pool.


" Are you okay?" I could feel a hint of concern in his voice. I nodded and rose my back up from the bed. I wasn't in my room, this obviously looked like his room. There were different photographs all around, the room was painted white and I was lying on a big white bed. " I couldn't let you die, I'm sorry " He was apologising, sincerely. Maybe this was the start of our friendship I guess. I smiled at him and watched him smile back. I tried avoiding his gaze as he stared at me intently. He was beginning to creep me out. I threw my legs off the bed and I felt him hold my arm. What was going on?.

I turned to look at him and he leaned closer to me as I pushed myself back, trying to get away from him. He leaned in more as he stared at my lips. I jumped up from the bed and moved away from him. He turned to look at me and the darkness in his eyes scared the hell out of me. What was wrong with him. I watched him get up from the bed and I rushed to the door of the room, it seemed hard to open. I opened the door finally and slammed it at his face.

What just happened?.

I rushed to my room to change to pray my Salatul Zuhr. I got into the shower to take a hot bath and the scene that just occurred with me and Neill popped up in my head. I couldn't stop thinking about it. The more I thought about, the more my head hurt. What was he planning to do to me. What did he do to me?. A lot of horrible questions were going on in my head. A lot of horrible ideas, Oh Ya Allah please protect me. I got out of the hot shower and dried my self, I looked at myself in the mirror for a little while and an image popped into my head. I could see myself, my little self being molested. I was crying and hitting the men but they weren't moving. They continued. Why would I possibly be thinking about that. I shook my head and walked out of the bathroom. I opened my drawer to get my underwear and a sharp pain went through the back of my head making me fall to the ground. It hurt a lot. The molesting and car crash images came back. What was going on with me?. What was happening to me?. Why was I having all this. I placed my hand on my head and began reciting Ayyatul Qursi in my head. After that, I began saying " Ya salam" and the pain eased. The images left my head and the pain stopped.

I got up from the floor and got my underwear and a pair of fresh clothes. A pink dress and white jacket. I made my salat and sat on my prayer mat and checked my phone. I looked at some of the photos I took with grandpa and Ummi. I missed them so much. " Faryah?, are you in?" I could hear Sophia call from outside my room. I got up from my mat and went to open the door for her. " Hey girl, how are you?" I smiled at her to make her see that I was doing great. " Your smile could light up anybody's day" she said and looked at me. I blushed at her compliment and she smiled at me. " So Faryah, I don't know if you'll be okay with this but, the police need us to go over to the police station to take down our statements on the car accident that happened yesterday, did you see anything or someone?" She asked as she stood by my door.

I remembered the man I saw that had a cunning face. He had dark long hair and if I could remember clearly, he had a thin long nose and small eyes and small lips, with a newly shaved moustache. That was all I could remember. I nodded my head and watched Sophia’s smile fade away. "Faryah, you saw who caused the accident?" she asked in a whisper. I nodded again and watched her sigh. " Oh My God, we have to go to the police station now and tell them, even though it might cause huge trouble, we're seeking justice for those who deserve it okay" Sophia said and I studied what she said. She was right, I could be in great trouble but I had to do this. Someone's life was in danger. I shook my head and she smiled, giving me a thumbs up. " Get your veil or Hijab and let's go, then from there we can go to the mall okay, I'll make it up to you" she said and I smiled at her. I was finally leaving this house for a while. " I'll meet you downstairs in two minutes" she said and closed my door. I quickly threw on a cream veil and white sneakers, the only sneakers I had in my life. I styled my veil, took my bag and phone and headed out. I walked down the stairs and felt someone’s eyes on me. I looked round the house as I walked downstairs and saw no one.

" you look nice" I heard Sophie say as I got down from the stairs. I smiled at her and took in her outfit. A casual ripped black jeans and a crop top.  " let's go?” she asked and I nodded and we walked out of the mansion. " Good day sir, we're here to give our statements as you told us to" Sophie said as we sat down in front of an inspector. " Yes, good day miss" The inspector said as she shook Sophie's hand and I smiled at him as I sat down beside Sophia. " I am Director Malcom, I'm going to be handling this case and just so you know, this was no ordinary hit and run and the person's target was you, Miss Sophia Olyster" He began and I  saw Sophia nod." You see the culprit was very smart, I believe he has been watching you closely and has also studied the routes you go through everyday, so he took his chances yesterday and he attacked you at a route that had faulty security cameras " He said again to Sophia. " Yes, I understood that and that's why we're here to help, I couldn't get to see the man who hit us or the plate number of the car but I was with Faryah here, she saw the man that hit the car, but we have a small issue, Faryah is unable to speak, but she can write down the description and you'll see if you can draw the culprit out" She said again. She had told me not to tell anyone anything about the accident, if I was to tell them, she was going to be restricted from going to some places of her choice, a body guard was also going to be hired for her and the security in the mansion will be tighter than it is now. " Yes, here's a sheet, you can write down the description miss" He said and offered me a clean neat white paper and a pen. " This is going to be of great help to us, miss Sophia do you have any enemies, family enemies?" The director asked Sophia as I wrote down the description of the man I saw. " Well sir, we are rich and obviously our family business is envied so we are bound to have enemies, but personally I am not sure I have someone that hates me, you see I am a friendly soul" She said and flashed him a pretty smile and they both laughed.

I gave the sheet back to the director and he studied it. " I'll hand this over to a friend of mine, wait a second" He said and got up from his desk. " Faryah, Thanks a lot, and remember don't tell anyone about what's going on okay, I need my freedom" She didn't have to worry. I was fine helping out and I knew Allah was with me.

" Miss Faryah, does this look like the man that almost hit you?" The director asked as he came back, handing me another sheet. It was a perfect sketch of the man I saw. I admired the drawing and nodded. The brows were perfect, the small dark eyes and the moustache. The sharp chin and long hair. It was all the same. " Are you sure? " Sophia asked as she looked at the drawing. I nodded again and handed it over to her. " Well miss Sophia do you know him?" the inspector asked her. She studied the sketch carefully and shook her head. " Well then, I guess its going to be left to us to find him, Thank you miss Faryah" I looked at Sophia, she looked deep in thought.

" He does look like someone I think I know, he looks like one of My Fathers friends, not exactly, but I've seen those eyes somewhere" She blurted out to the director. " Well Miss Sophia, we can't act on thoughts and look alike's, you know that right?"

" Yea I know that, thank you sir, we're done here right?" I really wanted to leave. Being too crowded wasn't my thing. " Sure we'll get back to you for any updates, for now be cautious of the people around you, we don't want him trying again" He advised and Sophia thanked him.  " Good day sir" Sophie said as we both got up from the seat. " Good day" he answered and we walked away from him.

" So we'll head to the mall now, we'll get you new outfits" Sophia chirped as she started the engine. " then, when we are done, we'll go get ice cream and a big fat burger or pizza" they loved eating that. I rarely ate burgers and fries and Pizzas back in Indonesia, I couldn't afford it. I smiled at her as I drew the window down and enjoyed the Los Angeles mid day breeze. " You see Faryah, Los Angeles is a place where most Pop Artists and Actors reside, most of them. I think Spider man stays here" I wasn't interested in them. At all, they were not my taste, I liked Maher Zain. He was awesome. " and yeah I forgot to add, you might like this, Mufti Menk is holding a sermon session here in LA later tonight, I saw a flier and got you a ticket, its from 4pm to 6pm today, I'll take you there and come pick you up later" She was the nicest being I’ve met now in LA.

I have been dying to see Mufti Menk, Live, in front of me. He was really inspiring. I smiled at her and gave her a small hug as she drove.

Alhamdulillah. I was happy.


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