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------------- Los Angeles, California.

------------------- Same afternoon( Olyster residence).

" What the hell are you doing here?"  I heard Khalid snap as he got up from beside me. He looked extremely angry. " I only came to talk to you and your mother" His voice was still the same. The situation was too intense for me to break down right now. He was Khalid's father. My Husband's Father.

" Talk?, Man I told you to stay away from us" I heard Khalid rage again as I saw him punch his Father to the ground. Deep down in me, I wanted to join him and beat him too. But I was going to make matters worse. Khalid didn't need to know. I was only going to be making matters worse. " Khalid" Sophia screeched as she rushed further to him. I couldn't move from where I stood. I wanted to move but I just couldn't.

" Just listen to me " Khalid's Father said again and I finally moved closer as he pushed Sophia off me and pounced on him. He was going to kill this man. " Khalid stop" I called as I tried pulling him off his Father. He didn't listen to me. He was still trashing his Father. " How the hell does it feel to be beaten huh?" He raged to his Father as he continued beating him. All the maids that were present tried getting Khalid off his Father. The guards from outside were all rushing in and I sighted Mama Zainab, GrandPa Julius and Papa Brandon coming in. Things were going to get tougher than they were. Khalid's Father wasn't even punching him back, he was pouring his anger out on the man. " Khalid stop, get off him" I yelled again as I tried getting him off his Father, but he pushed me to the floor instead making me almost hit my head on the edge of a wooden stool. " Khalid" Sophia called again as she rushed to where I laid on the ground. My head was beginning to hurt me.

" What's going on here?" I heard Papa Brandon asked as they rushed into the living room.  " You bastard" I heard him rage again as he rushed to join Khalid with the beating. " Brandon, Stop, get off of him" Mama Zainab called as she rushed to get her husband off her ex husband. " Faryah are you okay?" I wasn't. The pain was increasing, it was coming back to me, It felt like my head was twirling round in circles and explosions were going on. "Ouch, Sophia my pain killers" I cried as I held my head. It was really hurting. Badly. " Faryah" I heard Khalid call as I closed my eyes shut and saw an image of five men beating each other up. I was peeping from the door as a smaller version of me watched a blurry vision of her father get beat up by some strange men.

I opened my eyes and the pain intensified. " Ouch" I screamed again. I couldn't take it. " Faryah" I heard Khalid call worriedly as he rose me up from the floor. He was crying. " Here are the pain killers, Anna bring some water quickly" Sophia said as she put the pain killers in my hand and I quickly put them in my mouth. " Get him out of here this minute" That was GrandPa Julius. " Here, drink it" Sophia said as she handed me a glass of water that I gulped down almost instantly.

" Are you okay?" Khalid asked and I nodded. I needed to talk more to this man, it has been sixteen years, he had to remember the girl he raped. " I only want your forgiveness, I have the right to see my son" I could never forget this voice. Even if I tried, I couldn't.  " I am not your son" He said as he helped me get up and the pain subsided. " David please just go, just go and never come back" Mama Zainab. The guards already had him. He was all bloody and messed up. His name was David. " I can't stay away, all I want is for you to forgive me, I only want to spend some quality time with my son" He said again. " If you call me your son again, I swear..." Khalid was about to leave my side but I held him back.

" Get him out of here" Brandon snapped as the guards pulled him out of the living room. " You almost killed your father" Mama Zainab began as she came closer to Khalid and I. " You hurt Faryah too" She added and I held his arm. I didn't want him to react. For all I knew, he was still angry and could do anything. I was supposed to be scared but I understood him. This was what Sophia was talking about. " I didn't mean to hurt her" Khalid answered as he pulled me closer to him, averting is mothers gaze. " And you meant to hurt your father, when are you going to learn how to talk?, instead of solving all your problems with your fists" Mama Zainab snapped at him. " He deserves more than that, he needs to be taken to jail for what he did to you, why did you even not file a case against him after all those years?, why didn't you put him behind bars to get Justice for what he did to you?, he's not my Father. I don't know why you're still trying to see the bright side in him after all what he did to you, or do you still love him, do you want to go back to him?" Khalid snapped back as he let go off me. Mama Zainab slapped him hard on the face. " Mother" Sophia called. " I won't let you talk to me like that" She snapped as Khalid walked up the stairs.

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