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Shen Chuchu brought Wang Qian back to her apartment to look around. She figured since there won't be any dramas or advertisements after the recent disagreement with her manager, then she would use the time to sort out her own acting skills.

Shen Chuchu looked at her new assistant and formally said, "The reason why I picked you as my assistant was because you were recommended by Wangjie the makeup artist and I trust her judgement. I've heard you've been an assistant before so I won't get into the rules. As long as you work well, don't cause any drama and follow me then you will definitely not regret it. I will definitely become a big celebrity, trust me."

Wang Qian listened to Shen Chuchu's passionate speech and excitedly replied, "Okay Shen-jie, I trust in you."

"Change how you address me. Call me boss, it seems more affluent."

"......Okay, Boss. If you require anything in the future just tell me, I will be available at any time."

"Currently your boss is in the preparation period and only require you to do one thing. Deliver three meals a day to me."

"Okay, Boss. I promise you I will complete this task."

On the fourth day, Shen Chuchu was about to faint from happiness when she ate Wang Qian's homemade hotpot. To think someone could cook so well existed in this world!

On the third day of takeout meals, Wang Qian asked Shen Chuchu if she wanted any specific dishes to make at home because takeout was not nutritious. Shen Chuchu nodded her head, indicating that she did not mind. Having eaten instant noodle for half a month, she thought take-out was gourmet food.

As a result! She was full of praise when she ate the meal. This is no assistant but rather a mobile gourmet restaurant.

She picked up an enoki mushroom and asked, "Qianqian, why are you so good at cooking?"

Wang Qian smiled, "When I was young, we were poor and my mother was always working hard so I made food for my younger brother every day. I stopped going to school after high school and found a job near home so I continued to make food for my brother every day. I got better slowly from practice."

Shen Chuchu listened to Wang Qian's explanation and lagged for a split second. Through the white smoke, Shen Chuchu did not see someone who complained about life, but a peaceful and quiet person.

"Why did you record the video that day?" This was an area that Shen Chuchu failed to understand. After a few days together, Shen Chuchu could see that Wang Qian did not like to stir up trouble. She was very quiet and very capable.

Wang Qian put down the chopsticks in her hand and wiped the corner of her mouth, "You hired me as an assistant and although it was temporary, I still needed to do my part. I don't want to disgrace Lingling-jie again."

"Can I ask why you were dismissed before?"

Wang Qian originally wanted to be honest about this matter because they are the assistants to celebrities and they are usually introduced by acquaintances. There was no need to hide anything since everyone was clear on who is who and who they previously assisted before.

Wang Qian hesitated for a moment and replied, "Of course. I used to be with Yu Yiting but ...um... he resented that I was not good-looking enough, old-fashioned and not as decisive when handling matters. So he dismissed me."

Shen Chuchu was very amused by this answer. Do assistants need to look beautiful? It's not like they will be your girlfriend! It's okay as long as they do the work.

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