⚠️37- Hobi's Wings

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The next night was a blur as Hoseok and I ended up breaking away from the group. We decided to stray away from the others—to the garden. I usually never hung out here, only under the hot summer sun or rainy spring weather. Apart from that, coming here was a rare event.

Hoseok had been teasing me all night with stolen kisses and whispering about the various things he'd do to me when he had his turn. The boys had a system for this thing, each man taking turns with approaching me if I wasn't going to initiate the first move. I also felt bolder now, and my body was recovering quickly. Must've been because they were hybrids.

Another thing I noticed that was common was the fact that they loved changing into their half human-half animal forms whenever we were planning on doing something even remotely sexual. I knew Taehyung and Jungkook were especially active and anytime one of them came out from seclusion, they were always in their hybrid form.

And then with my experiences with everyone so far, I could tell Hoseok wanted to also do things to me while in hybrid form. And I wouldn't complain, he was the most handsome butterfly I have ever seen in my entire life.

"I could smell you from the moment I stepped into the room, Master." I felt the hairs at the back of my neck stiffening at his words.

"Oh Hobi..."

"Yes Master?" He looked at me with lust in his eyes.

"Kiss me." The man leans forward and his lips smash against mine with passion. As I closed my eyes and felt his soft and fluffy hair knotted up in between my fingers, I could feel the warm tingling sensations of his arms sneaking up my thigh, and he gave a gentle squeeze as he kissed me.

"It's too cold out here. Let's continue this inside?" I nodded, not hesitating a moment longer as he gripped my hand and lead me into his sanctuary, which was a bedroom, everything was custom made for him, as he had specific temperatures and humidity which he was comfortable with. The room smelled like a warm spring evening, the scent of Lavender dispersed through the room. His room was also warm—toasty enough for me to take off my coat. "Do you like going fast or slow?" He asked, his arms reaching down to help me fully remove the article of clothing.

"Whatever you like." I found myself under him suddenly, his face buried in the crook of my neck as he left a reddish mark as a sign that I belonged to him.

"Good, 'cause I like it fast. Hope you don't mind it rough," He winked, and I found myself wincing at the thought of a rough fuck. The last few times everyone was gentle and caring with me but Yoongi was still pretty rough, despite him being my first. I just hoped Hoseok knew what he was doing and he wouldn't hurt me.

My eyes widened when I saw how hard he was, his erection poking so far out of his pants, I could see the tip of his dick through his pants. "And besides, you've been a bad girl for teasing me all night." Me? I was the one teasing him?

"Please, punish me Hoseok." That sent him over the moon.

"Call me Daddy." I froze at his words and for some reason, he just burst out laughing.

"Wh-what?" I asked, making sure he was only joking.

"I'm kidding, just call me your king." I nodded, as his lips met mine again. Our clothes came off quickly, and as our kisses grew more intense and passionate, he managed to slip two fingers into me, prepping me for what was to come.

"Ahhhh, my King, that feels so good!" I groaned as his wings flapped furiously behind him, creating a draft of warm air around us.

"Sorry, when I get excited my wings have a mind of their own."

"I think it's cute." He suddenly pinned me down.

"You dare call your king cute?" I gulped.

"N-no sir."

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