Chapter 23 - Shame

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"It is strange how often a heart must be broken
Before the years can make it wise."

Andrea's POV

"Calm down, Andrea. Please." She said, giving me a begging look and wiped my tears off my cheeks.

"How? Did you see those articles and comments? Everyone calls me slut, whore, gold digger and..." I burst out crying without managing to finish my sentence and looked at the TV. They were talking about the video again.

"Isn't it your hotel?" She asked, thinking.

"Yes. about last night." I replied, blushing and bit my lower lip. "I don't know who could record the video of us. Why did they do it?" I commented, depressed.

"Did you talk to Alejandro?" Eva asked.

"No, he didn't pick up my calls. Probably, he thinks I recorded and leaked the video because of the rivalry between my father and him." I responded, upset.

She sighed, ruffling her hair. "Or it is him, because of it, he doesn't pick up your calls." Eva commented, giving me a knowing look.

I looked at her, dumbfounded. No, it was impossible. I shook my head and burst out laughing.

"No! He can not do it. He can't do it to me." I refused as I stood up and started pacing back and forth in my bedroom. "He knows that it would destroy my life. So he would not do it." I stated, shaking my head.

Suddenly, the TV caught my attention. The paparazzi were waiting for Alejandro in front of his company. Two days had passed since the video was leaked, but they were still talking about us. As they saw his car approaching, they rushed towards him, asking questions.

I folded my arms over my chest, biting my lower lip nervously while watching the TV. My heart was pounding.

"What do you want to say about your leaked video with Ms. Brandon?" The journalist asked.

"There is nothing to talk about." He replied firmly.

"Her father's hotel lost a lot of customers. Mr. Brandon claims that it was you who leaked the video." One of the journalists asked.

He smirked, shaking his head. "I am a victim in this situation. It is bad for my reputation and family name. I didn't want my name involved in this kind of scandal." He replied firmly.

"Are you in a relationship with Andrea?" The journalist asked.

"No. There is nothing between us. It was just for one time which I regret." He responded nonchalantly.

My heart sank by his words. I placed my hand on the wall for support as my head spun.

"Do you plan to sue Mr. Brandon and her daughter?"

"No. I want to close this theme. I don't want to hear anything about it anymore. It is a disgusting situation for me. I always tried to keep my personal life private as much as possible. So I just want to forget about it. Moreover, they are already in a bad situation, and I will not sue them for Andrea. I don't think she knew about it. She is a victim in this situation as well." He stated. "I just loathe this kind of man who even sells his own daughter for his self-interest." He added between gritted teeth.

I looked at the TV in astonishment, my mouth agape.

"Do you think Mr. Brandon was going to blackmail you with the video, or have he already done it?" One of the journalists asked.

What the hell were they talking about? Were they insane?! My father would never do it.

"No. He hasn't contacted me yet, but I don't know what his plan was." He replied dryly.

"Did you talk to her?"

"Thank you, guys. I have to go." He stated and rushed into the building while his bodyguards helped him to walk in.

"Look! But you are still protecting him saying that he wouldn't do anything to hurt you." Eva commented, frowning.

I looked at her, thinking. There was some doubt in my mind. I shook my head, trying to get rid of this thought. No, he couldn't get this much further. He was in the video as well. Why should he do it to himself?

"No, I don't believe it. I should talk to him." I stated.

"No. It isn't a good idea." Eva warned me.

"Eva, I need to talk to him. Otherwise, I will get crazy." I confirmed.

"If the paparazzi see you with him?"

"I will be careful. But I need your help. My father doesn't let me leave the mansion." I gave him a begging look.

"Andrea, please." She said in disapproval.

"Eva, I need to talk to him. Please, help me." I begged. She sighed and nodded.

Alejandro's POV

"Did you hear anything new?" I asked Bruno as I sat down on my seat in my office.

"Yes, sir. Gabriel is furious. He didn't plan to invest in Michael's company anymore. Moreover, his other co-partners want to annul contracts as well." He informed.

I smirked, rubbing my chin. "Great! You may leave now. And clear the front of the company from paparazzi. We don't need them anymore. I don't want to see one of them here tomorrow." I demanded. He nodded and left.

I stretched out, yawning and got up. I ran my hand through my hair while walking towards the bathroom. After taking a shower, I wrapped a towel around my waist as I stepped out of the shower. I went to the walk-in closet and got ready. Then I grabbed my phone and checked it. Finally, Andrea stopped calling me. Actually, I was waiting for her to demand an explanation from me and made a scene, but I hadn't seen her since that morning.

After having breakfast, I went to the company. Bruno parked my car in front of the company building and got out of the car. He rushed towards my side and opened the door for me. Fortunately, there were no paparazzi in front of the building. I walked into the building in quick steps and went straight to my office.

As I walked out of the elevator, I saw a familiar person in the hallway, but now it felt like we were two strangers. I breathed deeply and walked towards Andrea.

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