Chapter 2

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Draco's POV

I made it halfway to the potions classroom when I realized I left my bag at my corner of the table. Ugh. I turned around and quickly made my way back to the Great Hall.

Turning corners while going at a fast pace isn't always the best idea.


The next thing I know I'm sprawled on the floor after hitting into someone.

"Alright there, Malfoy?"

Of course... It would be Harry fucking Potter and his idiot friends.

I scowl up at him as he offers his hand to help me up. I glare at the outstretched hand before I pick myself off the floor, glaring at him.

"Watch where your going, Potter." I grind out before pushing past him.

"Wow. You haven't changed one bit have you, Malfoy?"

"Yeah. You'd think the prat would at least a little grateful since you saved his sorry arse." The weasel commented. I froze and turned to face them.

"Sorry to disappoint... But I'm still not a member of the Harry Potter Fan Club. Not before. Not now. Not ever. And I am grateful."


With one last look I turn and start walking again.

It wasn't even five minutes after that when I hear his voice again.

"Hey Malfoy! Wait up!"

I sigh and turn to face him.

"What do you want Potter."

"Just wanted to know if you wanted someone to walk with you."

"And why would you assume that I wanted company... Let alone yours. Don't you have your own friends?" I start walking to get my bag... He follows.

Fucking hell.

"Well yeah. But I told them I'd meet them in class. And you always seem to be alone. Why is that?"

"Not all of us can be the beloved saviour now can we? And it's really none of your concern."

"You just.... I guess it seems like a lonely existence."

"Didn't know you cared, Potter."


"Save it." I say as I reach down and grab my bag. "I don't need you. I already said my thank yous and told you of my intentions during the war. I'm not up to anything suspicious. Now please.... Leave. Me. Alone."

I walk away from him, not giving him any time to answer.

Who does he think he's fooling? Acting all concerned and pretending to be modest. Like he really gives a shit about me or my isolation. He doesn't know anything. He can't save everyone.

Bloody, humble prick. He's a pain in the arse.

I quickly make my way back to class and to get away from him.


"Today, class, we will be making a de-aging potion. It's typically used for witches and wizards who want the look of youth back. It's quite the tricky potion. It MUST be brewed correctly and used safely. The consequences may be severe. Do try not to get any on yourselves.... Again. The price is too risky. I will now assign partners."

"Weasley, Granger."
"Nott, Thomas."
"Zambini, Malfoy."
"Potter, Longbottom."
Etc. Etc. Etc. Etc.

"Alright now everyone has a partner. Good luck."

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