Chapter 3

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A/n: depression sucks. Basically lost all my friends. Cool. It's really effecting me right now and I'm sorry if I don't update as much. I've just lost the will to do everything. Also some people are wondering why I update this more than 'Damn His Eyes' recently. Well the answer to that is because the chapters in that story are much longer than this one. And this is sort of easier to write at the moment. But don't worry. An update is coming hopefully soon.💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧As we walk towards Headmistress McGonagall's office, I think about all the trouble I might be in. What if they give me detention every night for a year? What if they kick me out? What if they send me to Azkaban for almost murdering Harry Potter? No, no they can't do that. I didn't try and kill him. It's only de-age. He'll be fine. It seems like this walk to her office is taking forever. And Potter hasn't shut up at all since this mess happened. Stupid Potter. Stupid migraine.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Once we've arrived, she invites us all to sit down. She looks from the baby in Professor Slughorn's arms, to him, to me, then back to the baby.

"Sit down Mr. Malfoy. Horace, what seems to be the problem?" With that he uncovers the baby's forehead to reveal a lightning shaped scar. She gasped, looking horrified.

"How did this happen?"

"Ask him, Minerva. We were making a de-aging potion in class" He pointed to me, while handing her his now too-big clothes and glasses.

She looked at me, waiting for an answer as she put Potter's clothes and glasses in a drawer and charming baby Potter a blue onesie. *¿spelling?*

"W-well, Blaise and I had run out of bat spleens for our potion, and he-" I pointed to the whimpering Potter in Slughorn's arms. "- had plenty to spare. I asked him for some and he wouldn't give me any. So I took some and he tried to take them back. After I has gotten complete hold of them, Potter sort of-era stumbled back and hit into his work desk. The cauldron fell over him and now we have a baby Potter. It was an accident, Headmistress, I swear."

"What are we going to do about this, Minerva?" She looks at lost for words."You can't expel the boy, McGonagall. There is a cure for this. I'm sure there is a potion, but how long it will take to brew is unknown. I will provide the necessary assistance to get the Potter boy back to his normal state. Until then, perhaps there is another consequence for Draco." Snape's portrait said.

"I agree with Severus, Minerva. Perhaps Mr. Malfoy could look after Mr. Potter until he is returned to a normal age."


"Absolutely not!"


The three of us exclaimed to Dumbledore's portrait.

"Please excuse us, Mr. Malfoy, while my colleagues and I discuss the appropriate punishment and arrangement."

They all made towards to exit, including the portraits of Snape and Dumbledore. But before Slughorn left, he dropped baby Potter into my lap. I stare at them both horrified. He just gave me a look before joining the rest of them outside.

Everything was quiet, Except for the small whimpers of baby Potter and the urgent, hushed, arguing voices coming from outside.

I look down at Potter. He's looking around like a scared, lost puppy. I pick him up and held him to where he was looking at me.

"This is all your fault. You know that right?"

He just whimpered.

"You're an idiot Potter. This all could've been avoided. But no. You're too much of a prat to know when to stop."

More whimpers.


Tears start to well in his huge, emerald green eyes.

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