Changing Rooms

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I woke up gasping, my head pounding and my lungs on fire. I looked around me trying to figure out where I was. Everything was dull like the color was sucked out. My head hurt my eyes not focusing on anything like seeing pictures go by to fast. I closed my eyes tightly trying to remember where I was. My first thought going to how I got here. I kissed Dean.

Dean, Dean was real I went to a different world. Dean was a beast he-

"I gotta help Dean." I say thinking it but it bounced around me as if I spoke.

When I open my eyes I'm in a hallway of doors. I'm sitting on the floor everything still dull but at least I know what I'm looking at.

Standing up I feel/watch the hall dip making my head hurt.

"Y/N?" says a familiar voice.

"Sam?" I ask spinning around to see a mirror but instead of myself it's Sam. No not Sam someone who looks like him but older and younger at the same time.

I close my eyes when a high pitch noise rips threw my brain.

"Stop it!" I scream holding my head.

"Y/n you gotta find Dean. Your trapped together. Find Dean." Sam says.

"How?" I asks hot tears running down my face.

"Look for him."
"Okay." I say opening my eyes and trying to move to the door the hallway seeming to spin.

When my hand touches a door everything stops. No more spinning or noise. I take a breath my heart pounding.

Twisting the knob I go inside the room the first thing I notice is the smell. Like rotting meat and something sharp like cheese.

I'm in a house, it dark. Some rooms that you think would be there that should be there are just blackness.

Not knowing what to do I follow the only path it leading up the steps the smell getting worse. It so bad I can taste it.

I push open the only door it creaking open to show a younger version of Dean standing over a body.

"Dean?" I call softly making him spin around pointing his gun at me.

He was shaking clearly scared but his face was hard as well.

"Who are you?" He asks.

"I... What happened?" I say deciding it best not to explain who I was.

"I couldn't save her." He says dropping his arm and looking at the woman twisted up on the floor.

"I couldn't get to her in time. I wasn't good enough!" He screams making me jump.

"Dean it's not your fault." I say walking more into the room.

"The thing that killed her did this to her not you."

"It's my job and I messed up."

"Dean it's not your job to save everyone." I say reaching out to touch him.

"If I don't who will?"

"Other hunters, Sam, your Dad. There are plenty of hunters out there."

"But this was my..."

"It's okay you can't save everyone." I say him looking up at me.

"I just want to get the hell out of here." He says his voice cracking.

"Let me help you." I say holding out my hand.

Looking at me then at the woman he takes a breath.

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