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Stay with me

This story is about hope and devotion. About loyalty to yourself and your feelings. About true friendship and family values. About a difficult choice. About forgiveness.

The fact that a good person can commit a bad deed and endure all the troubles that life will give as a punishment.

This story is about love ...

This story is about a miracle ...

About the pure heart, the beautiful Cinderella and the magnificent Prince, who will pass all the trials and become the Queen and the King.

And so, we begin.

Omer Iplikci. He had a wonderful childhood and a bitter youth. Serious illness and the death of his mother, and then the death of his father, when Omer was still quite a boy, became a tragedy for him but did not break and did not destroy the principles laid down by his mother: to be honest, good, generous.

The boy grew up and turned into a gorgeous man. Tall, athletic, handsome. Dark brown hair with burning black eyes and neat, short beard-bristles. He is elegant and dignified. His charisma is the subject of the adoration of women and the envy of men. But such feelings are alien to him. He dreams of the present - a girl who warms his heart and will be near in a thunderstorm and bad weather. It will be his bright day, hot night and sweet morning. But around - only mercantile, obsessed with popularity, silicone girls. They sleep and see how to get the husbands of a fashionable shoe designer and co-owner of the flourishing Passionis company (Yes, yes! Our hero is not just an ordinary employee, he is a talented artist and successful businessman).

The Omer family is his father's brother, Uncle Necmi, and his wife Neriman. Both over-aged idlers, lazy people who are obsessed with a beautiful life, status and luxury. Not wanting to work, both are completely dependent on the grace of the eldest in the Iplikci family, grandfather Hulusi. The grandfather himself hated his daughter-in-law Emine, Omer's mother, and unjustly offended her. The grandson who idolized his mother could not forgive his grandfather for his attitude towards her. After her death, he never met or speak with him.

He is very proud, this Omer Iplikchi, and does not know how to forgive people of their weaknesses. But the grandfather, who eventually realized his mistake and repented of it, loves his grandson with all his heart and wishes him happiness. He lived a long life and understands - happiness is not in money, not in success and glory, but in love and loved ones near. Desperate to see Omer married and happy, he takes matters into his own hands and puts his son and daughter-in-law in front of the fact: if they don't find a wife for Omer in half a year - he will take their mansion.

Intrigante Neriman begins to develop a plan ...

Defne Topal. The girl from the area. Rebel and hooligan with а lush mop of red curls and the most beautiful eyes in the world. She loves her brother Serdar and little sister Esra, who in the family is lovingly called Bee, and grandmother Turkan. And draw. She is also an abandoned child. As a child, her parents left her with her brother and sister in the care of her grandmother and disappeared in each in their own direction. She had to be an adult early. Leave a dream about the university and designer career, and go to work as a waitress in a cafe. But she does not complain - she rushes through life with a sunny smile, believes in love and good people.

Once their paths crossed. Laughing sun and cold iceberg met and began the story of Great and Endless love.

And it was all so.

Trying to get rid of another empty-headed girl, a meeting with which Aunt Neriman organized in Mano's cafe, Omer decided to play the game. He grabbed the hand of a cute waitress who came to take the order and presented her as a girlfriend. And then, in front of the potential bride and the aunt, who was peering from afar, kissed. The girl ran away, and the waitress slapped him on the face. And she looked at him in such a way , that Omer caught his breath. This kiss and slap turned his whole life upside down.

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