8:This is death

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  Something was waking you up, you were being sucked out of this state. You opened your eyes but the light was too bright. You were on a bed and multiple chakras were surrounding you, some strong and others weak. You forced your eyes to adjust and you eventually saw that the room was quiet and dark only lit by the moonlight shining in through the window. Some would call it peaceful but you couldn't find it more terrifying. You could sense the Anbu outside your door. They were probably stationed out of your window too. 

  Escaping was the only thing on your mind, nothing was more important than leaving this room. What was the plan? You don't know, but you do know for certain that you needed to get out of there. The window was your best option for escape, outside was an open space that wouldn't disturb the patients of this hospital. You got up and got dressed but you couldn't find your bead, of course, they took it. You didn't want to go without it, it was a present from your dad but nevertheless, time was running out and you couldn't stay for long.

 You took a deep breath and tried to prepare yourself for what was to come. First, you were going to run out of the window without a sound, second, you would take down the Anbu stationed outside of the window, again silently, then run out of the gates with no detours.

  You take a step then another and with the next step, you break into a full-on run. You swing the window open making sure to not alert the Anbu of your escape and jump out. As you expected another ninja was guarding your window.

But he wasn't an Anbu, he was your dad, Kakashi Hatake. You stand face to face with him completely stunned, you wanted to hug him but if you did you would never want to leave his arms. The planned you made had already failed, there was no way you were going to fight your own father. A ninja must be strong in order to succeed, but there was no point in trying to live anymore. You no longer had to fight your emotions this might be the last time you see him, and if it was then might as well make it count. 

 "Y-y/n please don't run," he said in a hushed tone, "I'm going to get your named cleared." He looked at you with pleading eyes, eyes of pain and sorrow. You let out a breath that you didn't even know you were holding. "They won't believe you, there's too much evidence against me," you said apathetically trying to hide your emotions. "Then what? Are you just going to go live the rest of your life running away, hiding like a coward!" He raised his voice, " this isn't how I raised you, I didn't teach you to give up and I never gave up on you." He spoke with emotion that was very unlike him, Kakashi Hatake was known for his apathy and never lost his temper.

You picked up your head and looked at him in the eyes, "I'm a danger to the leaf, Kanashimi and Genso do whatever they want and whenever they feel like it. They take control whenever they please," you said, "And I don't want to hurt anyone again," you forced out, failing to conceal your emotions. His shoulders fell and he let out a breath. There were a few seconds of silence then out of nowhere you were in his arms. Immediately you swung your arms around him. You felt warm and safe just like in the dream you had earlier but better. It's been so long since you've felt the embrace of anyone, you've been alone for so long that you've forgotten the feeling of love. 

 You could've been hugging for hours maybe just a couple of seconds but it felt like an eternity. The sudden act of compassion completely broke your wall, tears were streaming down your face. All the compressed anger, sadness and fear slapped you across the face and now you're standing on the hospital roof in your father's arms- crying. "D-dad I'm s-so s-sorry, I-I didn't w-want to hurt them, I-I didn't want to leave you either, I didn't want for any of this to happen." You said in a shaky tone while hot tears strolled down your face, disappearing when they hit the cloth of your mask.

  Your dad smiled and wiped your tears with his thumb, "Don't worry y/n," he placed his hands on your shoulders "this is just another obstacle to achieve your goals," he said. You returned the smile and you opened your mouth to say something but felt another chakra coming your way. 

  You quickly turn and see Anbu Black Ops coming your way. Your first instinct was to run, but you didn't want to hurt your dad again so you stayed. Immediately an Anbu made a hand sign. "Argh!" You fell to your knees as a wave of pain hit you, this was you surrendering, this means that you were no longer a rogue ninja on the run. And, what do they do to rouge ninjas that have been caught? They kill them. 

 This was it, the end of the line for y/n Hatake.

'Huh, so this is what dying feels like, it's not as peaceful as I imagined but I guess this is what I deserve. Fuck! This hurts so much, I hope it's over soon, maybe I'll have better luck my next life, I might be able to make my dad proud of me.'


Uh, y/n? What's happening? Why is it getting so dark?

It's called death Genso, it's finally going to be over


Well, there's nothing you can do about it, Kanashimi.

Wait-no I don't want to die, y/n get up, please get up, fight, I'm sorry, I'll give you chakra, just C'mon please get up! 

ARGH! STOP, NO, GET UP, T-this can't be happening. Please, not like this.

Her chakra points are closing, I-I can't give her anymore chakra, K-Kanashmi, this is it.

NO! NO—!

                      Fade to black

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