12:Reuniting with an old friend

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Authors note

Credit goes out to belcroser-666 for the image.

"C'mon, y/n, it's this way," he said and you followed, you tried to get out of his grip but he was keeping a firm hold on you. He lead you towards what you knew as the training grounds. You saw a ninja squad and Naruto ran toward them.

 "Hey, Bushy brow!" He shouted and caught the attention of a very peculiar looking boy. He had very bushy eyebrows, a bowl cut and a green jumpsuit with orange leg warmers. He reminded you deeply of your dad's "friend" Gai. As you thought, the man you remember from your childhood came out of a tree and as he saw you a blinding smile appeared on his face. The kid started to walk toward you and Naruto. You took a look at him and Gai and it all made sense. Gai was a very loud and annoying presence but he did manage to inspire you a couple of times so that kid standing next to him must admire Gai. 

 It didn't take Gai long to start running towards you, he ran like a duckling that has finally found its mother. "Y/N!" He shouted and sprung his arms wide open, "You're back! Oh, y/n I missed you so much!"
you dodge the attack just like you deflected Ino's earlier attempt to hug you. "Oh y/n why do you still refuse to hug me?" He asked, "I do not wish to be smothered to death," you said. "You're just like your dad," he said, "Can you believe he still refuses our friendship," he asked. "No, what, how can he do such a thing?" You asked sarcastically, "Yeah, anyways, Y/n, How has my beautiful wildflower been?" He asked with softness in his voice, you smile a bit, "I've been fine...I guess," you lied. He gave an understanding sigh, "Okay," he said a little disappointed.

  "Who's this?" Interrupted a voice it was a girl that you saw alongside the strange boy and next to him was a Hyuga kid with long hair. "Oh right, you guys don't know y/n," Gai said. "Team Gai, this is Y/n, and y/n this is Rock Lee, Neji Hyuga, and Tenten," (I don't know her last name) 

 "HELLO, YOU'RE BEAUTIFUL, PLEASE DATE ME I PROMISE TO PROTECT YOU WITH MY LIFE!" He shouted, you took a step back a bit surprised, "Err," you said and Tenten interrupted. "Lee do you not see how Naruto is holding her, they're obviously in a relationship," she said. "Eh?" You questioned and looked down to see that Naruto was still holding onto you even after dragging you to this location. You quickly whip your hand out of his grip and glared at him, hiding a slight blush under your mask. He blushes madly and rubs the back of his head awkwardly. "U-uh, sorry," he said, "Naruto and I are not in a relationship," you stated and Tenten frowned, "You guys would've been a cute couple," she said under her breath.

 "Now, now, Lee, let's let her settle down before you approach her," Gai said and Lee nodded. "YES GAI SENSEI!" 

Time skip

 Naruto led you to your final destination, a pond with girls splashing each other, this time without holding you (sadly :( ): 

"Hmm, he should be somewhere around here,"  Naruto said. You looked at him with a hint of confusion but he didn't notice. 


"Ah! I found him, follow me y/n," he said walking quickly towards a bush with binoculars sticking out of it. "Pervy sage!" Naruto yelled and a head poked out, "Naruto how many times do I have to tell you—." Jiraiya stopped, he stared at you in utter disbelief, you tensed up as well. 

"Jiraiya," you said slightly gasping, he looked at you a bit more as if he was determining if you were actually there. He then went on and engulfed you in a hug, which you gladly accepted. 

 Jiraiya was always like your second dad he was always there with you. He trained you and your friends and you provided him with endless exhaustion and annoyance of your pranks. Despite everything you did to him he loved you and you loved him too.

 Both of you stood in the same position for a while then he let go and asked you, "How have you been y/n?" You smiled a bit "Hehe, I've been through a hell of a lot," you said. He frowned a bit "It's going to be okay now that you're back," he said. "Yeah," you agreed

  "How, How did you-?" Jiraiya struggled to get the words out.

"Come back?" You finished, he nodded, "Well, I got caught," you said, "I was slacking and the Anbu caught up to me, they took me back to the village and I stayed in the hospital for a while. When I woke up, I tried to escape again but... ran into some trouble. They took me to the Hokage's office and she listened to what I had to say. She believed me and let me back in the village," You said. "But she doesn't completely trust me yet, so I'm stuck with this git." You finished and looked at Naruto, Jiraiya chuckled and Naruto looked offended. 

 "Well, I'm glad your back," he said cheerfully. You smiled, " I see that you haven't changed much," you said, "You're still stalking women, you old pervy man, I'm surprised you haven't kicked the bucket yet," you said.

Jiraiya looked taken aback, "Old Pervy man? I thought time would make you more mature but here you are saying the same things, and I'm not even that old," he said a little outraged. 

You smirked, "Yeah, Yeah," you said, "And wow, Pervy sage? I've made some sick nicknames for you but none as good as Pervy sage," you said, Naruto gave you a huge grin, "Came up with it myself," he said proudly. "I told you not to call me that," Jiraiya said harshly. 

You heard footsteps approaching you to look to your right to find your dad, Kakashi. He gave his typical closed-eyed smile and waved. "Yo, "he said Naruto smiled back, "Oh Hi Sensei, I want you to meet someone," he said. 

Eh? Does he not know?

 "This is y/n, she's returning to the village," he stated, you deadpanned, is he an idiot, you thought, your dad must have been thinking the same thing because he just looked at him like he was hoping Naruto was joking. But he said nothing so he was forced to believe he truly did not know. 

 "Ah, yes, of course, it's nice to see you again, y/n," Kakashi said, Naruto looked confused but his questions were soon answered when you said, "Hello again, dad." 

 "Eh?" Naruto questioned then his eyes widened as he remembered something. "Ooh, Y/n Hatake," he said and mentally facepalmed, "How could I not realize you look just like him now that I think about it," he said. 

 "You idiot," you said and Naruto whipped his head back, "WHAT DID YOU SAY?!" He yelled, you smirked slightly, "you heard me you big oaf," you replied and he shot a glare at you, which you returned.

 Your dad sweatdropped and calmed the situation, "uh alright, it's about time we get some lunch, C'mon, y/n," he said and you followed, ripping your eyes away from Naruto's. "Oh me too!" Naruto said and ran after you two. "I'd like to join too," Jiraiya said and followed closely behind. "Okay but you're paying for Naruto," Kakashi said and Jiraiya nodded.

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