Chapter 5

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It had been a couple days since you last seen Arthur, it was hard to get a moment together when you were both working full time. Although you would have hourly phone calls with eachother at night time, normally after Murrays show ended and he had made sure his mother was ready for bed, he was such a caring soul. However the clock turned to 10 pm and you still hadn't recieved a call, probably busy you thought to yourself. You began to struggle to keep your eyes open and eventually gave in to your tiredness and decided it was time for bed, before you could even lift yourself from the sofa you heard a knock at your door. You were taken a back by the noise, who could possibly be knocking your door at this hour of the night. You approached the door with slight caution and opened your door. It was Arthur, in full clown makeup. Before you could even make sense of the sight before you Arthur cupped your face and kissed you, your heart began to beat as you swung your door closed. The kissing  was passionate, everything felt different about Arthur right now, he felt stronger, bolder, the way he held you made you feel safe. As the kiss continued you both found yourselves in the bedroom, even though it was sudden you felt ready, it felt right.
You weren't a stranger to sex, it was nothing new but sex with Arthur was something you hadn't experienced before, it felt amazing being close with someone you really cared about and honestly, you hated the fact that Wallstreet guy was the last person to have been with you although that was a very different situation. You both stared at eachother while laying in bed, you twirled a strand of his hair in between your fingers, you both couldn't help but let out a laugh. "What on earth came over you?" You said whilst smudging the makeup on his face with your finger.
"I don't know I just- needed to see you." Arthur laughed nervously.
You realised some of the red on Arthur's face wasn't paint, "Have you been bleeding?" you asked while sitting up to take a closer look.
Arthur sat up and got out of bed and wiped his face, "Its nothing I just got into a fight."
"Of course it's not nothing oh my god, are you alright?" You asked feeling very concerned. Arthur waved his hands, "Yeah I'm fine, just a drunk guy on the train, you should see him." Arthur laughed. You rolled your eyes, "As long as you're okay."
Arthur leaned forward and placed a kiss on your forehead, "I'm more than okay. You make me feel-" He paused, trying to find the correct words, "You make me feel like I'm really here, like I really matter." His words filled your heart with joy, you took his hands and held them tightly, no words were needed.
Arthur sighed, "I'm sorry I have to go, I can't leave my mom all night herself."
You shook your head, "Of course, maybe I'll hear from you tomorrow?" You hoped.
Arthur nodded and smiled, giving you one last kiss before seeing himself out of the apartment.


You raised yourself out of bed and threw on your house coat, today was one of those rare days where you were off work so a long lie was over due and it was one of the best sleeps you have had in a long time, most likely thanks to last night. You entered the kitchen and made yourself a coffee before settling down onto the sofa and lighting a cigarette. You weren't meant to smoke in your apartment but it was becoming too cold to stand outside, a quick and sneaky one wouldn't hurt. You switched on the television and began to watch the news. Your jaw dropped almost dropping the cigarette out of your mouth as you read the head line. "Three Subway Murders"
The tragic description entailed the murder of three young men with the suspect being a clown and that wasn't even the craziest part, one of the men was the guy who assaulted you. You threw yourself infront of the tv, landing on your knees and turned up the volume, you couldn't believe what you were hearing. It was him, he attacked you and made you feel like nothing and now he was dead. You took a draw from your cigarette, "Karmas a bitch."
You shook your head, no can't think like that, three people are dead. Yeah three assholes. You fought back and forth in your head, you didn't know what to think or feel right now all you felt was shock. Two knocks at your door snapped you out of your racing thoughts.
"Hello." You greeted two men at your door.
"Uh hello Miss (Y/F/N)?" The man asked.
"Yes?" You raised your eyebrow.
The man raised a badge before talking, "We're with the police, mind if we ask you a few questions."
Your blood ran slightly cold, somehow you knew what this was about, "Sure. Come in." You said, swinging your door open and inviting the two men inside.
The three of you sat on the sofa, one man flipped through a notepad whilst the other cleared his throat and spoke, "Look I'm not going to beat around the bush here, three murders on the subway last night, you heard?"
Okay blunt, "Uh yeah, I saw the news, what do I have to do with this?"
"We got an anonymous tip that you uh, were making some claims about one of the victims."
Anonymous tip, thanks Mae. "Could you explain some more please?"
"The claim was that one of the victims- Michael, sexually assaulted you."
You began to sweat, "I well uh- not exactly-" Get it together. "No that's not really what happened-"
"Well care to tell me what did happen?" The officer persisted.
You began to panic, this was bad, this definitely made you look guilty and you only had a matter of seconds to clear the air. "Okay uh, no that's not true. We slept together and I guess... I was feeling pretty emotional when I found out that I was just a one night stand."
"Okay so you weren't assaulted?" He asked.
You bit your tongue, "No."
"Alright then, mind telling me where you were last night between 7 and 9 pm?"
For the first time in your life you were thankful for your shitty job, "I was working, you can clear that up with them." You said as you gave them your work address. You then seen the two detectives to your door.
"Alright we'll check in with your work and if your story fits then I'd say there's not much to worry about, have a nice day Miss." The officer said. You closed the door and buried your face in your hands. How could this be happening, so many thoughts and feelings flooded your mind but one thing stood out to you. The suspect was dressed like a clown.

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