30: Star Light, Star Bright

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I had no idea what to tell her.

What was going on? Not even I knew for sure. Everything was such a mess that I didn't quite know where it began—was it that day on the Capitol building, or did it go back further than that?

I couldn't tell her I was Starlight. That would break the number one rule of being a superhero—don't tell anyone your secret identity.

More than a few minutes had gone by, and I had said nothing. I forced a loud cough and replied, "It's... complicated. I don't know very much, and maybe nothing is true... but from what I've heard from Lily, he's staying with his dad."

Another stifling silence followed. "You know him better than I do. Do you think that's where he is?"

I didn't. Jax harboured the same dislike for his father that I did for Grace: it was one of the many things we shared in common. Even now, after everything, I still trusted him.

There had to be another explanation. I couldn't bring myself to believe he would lie to me—even if I never told him the truth about my dads.

Deep down, that was what I thought, but I didn't say it to Vivian. I didn't say it out loud.

"No," I said, trying to be honest. Alaina had gone to the police. There was no doubt in my mind that Jax would disappear without telling me first. "Personally, I think Phantom has him."

I'd said it. There was no going back now.

"Phantom?" repeated Vivian slowly. Trying to understand. Part of me almost regretted keeping my distance. She sounded confused. "What do you mean? What does he have to do with this?"

I couldn't exactly tell her about that paper Echo found, when we searched through the Discovery Centre. How Jax's initials were right there, how he was successful.

Whatever that meant.

"After what happened on the Capitol building, it just makes sense. We beat Phantom, and now he's mad," I said, hoping the explanation satisfied her.

Vivian sighed. "I don't... I guess this is way more complicated than I thought, isn't it?"

I turned around on the mattress. The darkness settled in. Despite the headache settling at the base of my awareness, sleep came eventually.

I opened my eyes to the vibration of Vivian's footsteps against the floor. Squinting, I could see the sunlight beyond the window. A smile formed on my face as my eyes fell on the clock on Vivian's desk. It was almost noon.

"Snow day!" said Vivian excitedly, upon noticing me awake. She plopped herself down on the mattress next to me and grinned. "I can't believe you didn't wake up when I checked the website this morning. I almost tripped over you."

I pushed myself up, heading to Vivian's window. She slowly pulled back the curtain, revealing the white icy landscape beyond. Large snowflakes buffeted the window, gathering into slush on the ground. After gawking at the beauty for far longer than necessary, we skipped our way to the kitchen for brunch.

On the counter was a sticky note left behind by Charli, telling us to enjoy your day off, because you don't get that once you become an adult!

"I think she's telling us to have cake for breakfast," said Vivian, happily passing me a fork. "That's what it means, right?"

She speared a piece of cake. "You know, I really want to try baking. Aunt Charli always does it so easily."

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