37: Three Strikes, You're Out (Wait, That's Baseball)

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As I grabbed my coat and tied my shoelaces, the phone rang. Since I'd changed the batteries for my hearing aids that morning, the sound was amplified and nearly made me jump out of my skin.

The phone in Riley's study almost never rang. When it did, the person on the other line was one of three options: a researcher for MARS, a telemarketer, or Mabel.

I caught the phone on the fourth ring and pressed a button to change it to speaker, then turned up the volume to maximum. "Riley Janacek-Comeau's office," I said, in my best business-like tone. "How can I help you?"

On the other end, someone cleared their throat. (Not a telemarketer, lucky me) "Um, I'm sorry for bothering you and calling so suddenly." It was Grace. That, I hadn't been expecting. The hidden fourth option. "I wanted to speak to Riley for a moment, but I'm not getting an answer from his extension."

"Ah. Well, he'll probably be back in a few—"

"It's okay," Grace replied, cutting me off. "I wanted to talk to you anyhow. What are doing today?"

I scuffed my feet against the hardwood floor. Today, my shoes were faded white, since Vivian had invited me to come bowling as part of an event the school was taking part in. Being in yearbook club, Vivian was obligated to participate. I was forcing Jax to come so we could head to the hideout afterward.

"I have to catch the bus in a few minutes," I said. I had zero clue why I hadn't just said now. I wondered if Grace would tell me outright what she needed Riley for, or continue avoiding me like she'd been doing my whole life. Nothing much had changed there.

Grace sighed a soft, "Oh. I see. I'll get it out of the way, then. I wanted to ask if you are okay to come with me later this week. I have an old flip phone, and I want to upgrade... but I don't know what kind I should buy. I figured that might be something you'd know. You don't have to answer right now. Just think about it, okay?"

Was I allowed to say no? I didn't know what to expect from Grace. I was alertly aware of how my hands were numb. Why did I keep convincing myself I could get away from this? It was my own fault. I craved an explanation. A reason why she was trying halfheartedly. Trying to jump back to being my mother without acknowledging her absence. I didn't think I'd ever get one. "I'll think about it."

I hung up quickly and rushed out to the bus stop without looking back.


My eyes searched around, trying to zone in on Vivian. I walked through the entryway to the bowling alley, passing the desk for now. The tacky carpet glowed neon in the blacklight, and my shoes looked fluorescent blue.

I spotted Vivian, chatting with Aisha and Eleni. Her hair was pulled back into two twin buns, and her camera hung from its strap around her neck. She grinned and waved her hands about, beckoning me to join the semi-circle the girls had formed.

"Ready to bowl?" Aisha asked, smiling kindly. The frilly long sleeves of her shirt glowed.

"Ready to get bowled over," corrected Eleni. In reply, Aisha smacked her with her sleeve.

"This is serious!" she said, pouting to Eleni. "I'm in this to win."

Vivian looked at me helplessly. "The three teams which rank the highest get a free pizza," she explained. "Which, by the way, costs eleven whole dollars."

"Eleven dollars that we're going to save by winning," replied Aisha, looking at each of us in turn. She stopped on me, once she'd narrowed her eyes at Eleni for long enough. "So, are you any good?"

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