Chapter 22

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Sorry guys I've been gone so long but I'm on Christmas holidays and am going to be updating a lot so enjoy !!!

Ally p.o.v


That's all that had been heard for the last ten minutes or so. I've always been so bad with arward and uncomfortable situations.

I feel as if I'm intruding on this family matter. I know I'm a sense I'm included as well being Williams mate and the last one to talk to Williams mother but I can't help in wanting to distance myself as much as possible.

Williams face has been unreadable, he is now sitting down on one of the chairs near his father. With both his elbows on his knees staring into the fire. The red and warm tones dancing around his face casting a shadow over his face defining it more than usual.

As for Williams father he hadn't moved. Hadn't spoken. Almost as if a statue. And here I was standing weirdly by the exit of the room play senerios out in my head about how to leave this predicament I've gotten myself in.

I needed to go, but I don't know how to exactly ask that. I opened my mouth with no words coming out. Williams eyes flickered over to me making me shut my mouth.

His eyes pierced through me his eyes never leaving mine. I wanted to look away but won't give him the satisfaction of shying away from him. I want him to know his eyes on me has no affect it doesn't make me weak in my knees. His handsome features have no effect.

But it wasn't a direct stare it was almost as if a calculating look, as if he is observing me his eyes holding so much behind them but me not being able to read any of it. It was almost frustrating. He looks at me like he can see right through me almost as if he can see what I'm thinking. But when I look at him I never can he is so concealed so mysterious making it impossible to pin the emotion. I guess it is a good quality to have as an Alpha but unfortunately not good for me.

I know he dosnt trust me to stay. He knows how I feel about him he has figured out that this is in no way going to be easy for him. But I can tell that isn't going to discourage him he will only work Harder. And after this incident I can tell he will be extra cautious. He won't let me slip away. But if you hold onto anything to tight you will kill it.

Was it smart what Williams mother did?

No. In a way I can admire it, the patience she had but also the strength and stubbornness. Her act even fooled me, I just always assumed she had it so easy that she loved to play that stereotypical female role. The loving house wife and mother. They were the perfect mated couple on paper. But if this has taught me anything is to not assume you understand everything about a person too soon.

I have never trusted men since I left this pack all those years ago the only exception ever being my father. So with women I have always been so dismissive of them and I trust them right away and always see the best in them. That is why this has come as such a shock to me.

I had been so lost in my thought the sound of Williams chair squeezing brought me out of my daze as he headed in my direction his eyes still not breaking away from me.

I however didn't let this faze my and simply just watched his huge tense figure come closer towards me. His large hand then wrapped around my wrist which was currently hanging my my side.

I quickly broke myself out of his grip without saying a word.

I could see him quickly recover from the rejection of his mate.

"Lets leave." I tilted my head at his statement crossing my arms over my chest in defiance.

I know I wanted to leave before but now because he was telling me too I no longer wanted to. I know it seems childish but my actions will not be dictated by him.
I could see he picked up on my cold body language. He automatically eased up. his hard stare turning it to a much softer one as his tense shoulders relaxed some what.

"Please Ally. Can we leave?" His eyes looking to the floor much like a child and then reconnecting with mine.

I could only assume this incident has him and is wolf on edge. To not end up the same way as his father to hold onto me even tighter. But I can feel the internal conflict with in him fighting on these urges so decided to oblige to his request.

I was impressed with this small action of asking instead of commanding. I nodded my head once pushing myself off the wall I was leaning against and started heading towards the exit.

I could feel William following very close behind me as if ready to wrap his arms around me at any second slightly putting me on edge.

I can't run. I know I'm in his pack lead by him. My mission to run away before was stupid and naive and was an unstructured plan. I know the power he holds I am trapped.
I'm going to have to play this game a little different if I'm ever going to be able to be free of him.

But I won't stay here for as long as Williams mother did.

She played the Alpha and got out.

But me, I'm going to play William but better.

Alright done!! this was kind of a set up chapter for what is to come!!! I will be updating a lot sooner now that I'm home so stay tuned and please vote!!!

Word count:1008

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