Chapter 6.1 : <My Moonshine.>

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Reina's Point Of View

Spiteful looks were always directed at me. Even the most famous Beast-Kin Adventurers were ridiculed, as Beast-Kin were discriminated against. I guess Humans believe they're above us or something, but we're people too!

I stood peeking through the window blinds, and saw my mother, in a hooded cloak, come home.

Feeling excited, I waited right at the doorstep.


"Hello there, my moonshine. Did anything happen today?

"Nuh-uh. Dad taught me new things today!"

"Is that so? What did you learn?"

"About good and bad people!"

"Oh? What did he teach you about them?"

"He said I should be careful because there will be many big meanies who will take advantage of me, and sometimes there will be good people who will save me!"

"Really? You remembered that? What a sweet little fluffy sweetheart!"

My mother then hugged me tightly, rubbing her face on mine.




How ironic, I'm caught in the exact situation my Father warned me about.

The two thugs I met, who disguised themselves as adventurers, lead me into the dungeon.

I was being used as their pawn, but I couldn't do anything even though I was stronger.

Because someone else who was more powerful than all three of us combined was their boss.

We headed further and further into the Roroka Dungeon. The thugs sneered at me and made lewd jokes about me and teased me about my build.

I-I'm not short, okay? And I'm not flat!

Shaking my head away from the thought, I kept my distance between the Thugs and kept walking.

And then, I sensed something.

My ears twitched, and I clearly felt a presence watching us. My [Animal Instincts] was alarming me of a large danger just around the corner. An Orc walked toward us, agitated. It felt... Off. Like as if it wasn't really there.

"H-huh? An Orc..? Hey you, pink-head! Kill it, now!"

I grit my teeth, knowing there's nothing I can do.

I shot many quick bursts of [Water Stream] at the Orc, but they harmlessly passed through, giving the Thugs a chance to tease me for not being able to even hit it. Ah, so dumb! They didn't even notice that the water passed through it!

I felt something dark pass behind me. I swiftly turned around and saw the Thugs' heads fall off their shoulders.

Something moved so fast and skillfully that I couldn't even perceive it... Something that could be stronger than the Boss.

And then, I felt a dark and cold breeze inches away from my throat. There was a curved blade, and the serrated edge was at my neck.

"... So this is it, huh..."

I love you, Mom.

I love you too, my Moonshine.


Heyo, David from the future here.

This has been edited, Thanks for Reading c:

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