Chapter 22.1 : <Nostalgia.>

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Rowan slacked back into his chair, taking his hands off the almost infinite amount of paperwork he had to do, being the Guild-Master and all. Rowan reminisced about the past, where times were more simple and he took on requests as a quickly growing Adventurer. His hard work had finally paid off and landed him as the Guild-Master of the very guild he was taking Requests from. 

"Heh, maybe I'd still be out there fighting if I refused this offer."

"The last Guild-Master had an untimely death, so someone needed to rise and take their position. And the majority chose you, Rowan."

"... You're right, Eric. I don't really regret it, I've been at it for 10 years now, so I'm not sure if my old body can handle any more large-scale battles, I'm over 50 years old after all. S-Rank Requests can do for my free time I guess."

Rowan hid his mischievous smirk behind his hand, and pretended to yawn.

"You do realize how absurd it is to be doing S-Rank Requests in your free time, right?"

"Hah, Of course I do! But that's what we both did before I came into this position. Don't you do S-Rank Requests in your free time as well? You're not even 40 and you're already doing office work! You could be on the front lines, and yet you chose to follow me."

"Well I can't exactly leave you behind, you've done so much for me after all."

"... Yeah. Thank you, Eric. I think I would have become a husk of my former self without you around."

The two shared a comfortable silence, staring out the window and watching the sunlight beam into a spot on the floor, revealing dust that would usually be obscured from the naked eye. Eric couldn't hide a small smile escaping from his usual monotonous expression, even if it was nostalgic and solemn.

"To think that Goblin King was still alive, but now we know he's dead. Brought back a few memories didn't it?"

"Mmm, yeah. Those days back when...-"



-...I was still in my late twenties, and I was only a simple B-Rank, although quickly rising the ranks, when I met a nameless child on the street who wore nothing but a rag. His eyes had an unnatural gloom and his hair hung over his face, which I thought ruined his pretty features.

I had seen many like him, and all those times I knew that I just had to walk away and pretend I didn't see them, but this particular kid still had a fire that was buried deep inside his pupils. He had potential, so I took him in.

I decided to name him... Eric.

Eric always had a poker-face, he still does even now, but back then I could feel how distraught he was behind that expression. He was a kid who didn't learn how to express himself, and it wouldn't be an understatement to say that he couldn't. Nevertheless, I taught him the thing I knew best: the art of Swordsmanship.

He had a talent close to my own and he learned at a similar speed to me as well, we were a perfect match. A year later he could almost match my movements, and he seemed happy. Even if his expression was the same, I could feel his joy and his accomplishment. It came to the point where my training wasn't sufficient enough, and Eric needed experience on the battlefield.

We took a Goblin Village Extermination quest, which was a new experience for Eric, however the Goblins seemed like child's play to him. We were both A-Rank at the time, and we had partied up with a few other A-Ranks, who were less skilled but A-Rank nonetheless. We cleared out the Village quite easily and moved into the Dungeon. The Knights were slightly stronger, but still manageable, since Eric could still cut them down just fine. It wasn't until the Throne room that we struggled.

The Goblin King planted his massive Sword in the ground and seemed to be shouting orders in his booming voice, as the Royal Guard were very well-coordinated. They even took down two of our men, but we gradually struck them down. The Goblin King seemed slightly displeased, so he pulled out his Blade and appeared in front of us in a flash, cleaving through the remaining members of our party. We managed to parry the Blade together, but not unscathed; I had a large gash on my left arm and Eric's right shoulder was grazed.

We fought a losing battle, The Goblin King was larger than us, but his speed could match ours as well. After only a few minutes, our Swords were almost snapped off but the Goblin King was still vigorously swinging at us. I deflected the Blade upward, which created an opportunity for Eric to lodge his Sword into the Goblin King's leg.

And so we ran.

The Goblin King definitely didn't take any major injuries, and we were lucky enough to get away with a few scars of considerable sizes. They were healed by priests later on, but while they lasted it would remind us to work harder.

There's always something stronger than you after all. If not, one day you'll be surpassed. That's how it's always been, and that's why I became the strongest man in Frori, after all.

And sure enough, a certain monster is climbing up the Ranks as we speak.



"Rowan, a Slime Raid has been triggered. Would you like to send reinforcements?"

" 'Course. Wanna shop around the Market after we're done? For old time's sake."

Eric's eyes glinted, which was enough for Rowan to predict what would be said after his question.

"Sure, I'd love to.








Here ya go, a new chapter and more dots/lines to claim :)

And incase any of you are wondering why I'm taking longer, my country has been lifted of quarantine. I go to school again, which sucks, but it's for the better :)

Stay safe, no social gatherings, stay online. Thanks for reading!

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