Chapter 13-Alone With Damos

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"WHAT!?!?" I screamed at Ava in the morning when I saw her with her bag, "You're leaving me with them!?"

"Lance and Jeffory think it'd be nice for us to catch up before their wedding," She answered as she had for the millionth time! "Besides, they think this would be good for you. I might be the anti-social one, but you don't trust easy. They want one of them to come to the wedding."

"WITH EACH OF US!" I screamed.

"I already have my pick," She answered with her sassy hair flip and began heading to the door, "I'll be back in a couple of days. A week at most."

"AVA!" I began chasing after her while screaming. She's leaving me, with the Damos. ALONE! She has to be insane! But, she needed this, so I'd suck it up. UGH!!!

"Where did Princess Ava go?" Asch growled at me as I turned on my heels and stared him down. I walked right by him and into the little doorway along the wall.

"She went to go help some friends of mine," I answered, "They wanted Ava's help in planning their wedding."

"Two of your friends are getting married!" Rhys asked in shock after Asch followed me.

"Actually four. Tommy and his Fiance are coming out soon, and Jeffory and Lance want their wedding to be really close since it's coming on their 15-year meet-iversary," I answered.

"What's a Meet-iversa-thingy?" Noi asked.

"It's the anniversary to the day they met," I answered, "Ava's kinda a fan of wedding shows and knows more than people give her credit for about that sorta stuff. So they wanted her help. She'll be gone for a few days."

"So we're stuck with you?" Asch whined and I laughed.

"Don't sound so thrilled," I laughed as I kept walking further past them, "So, you guys talk. I'm going to look around."

"Wait," Leif stopped me, "I've been wondering, why haven't you say anything about the Magic Crisis to Ava?"

"Honestly," Rhys added in, "I've been wondering the same. Humans certainly seem more content with keeping secrets then Damos do. Especially with you and that mysterious figure at the pizza place."

"I promised you I wouldn't," I answer as simple as it is, completely avoiding Rhys' comment, "Secrets mean something, and they're good to have. Like yours is, I understand why you lied. But, promises outway secrets in my book."

"Did you make any promises that would give up your secrets?" Asch asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Several," I say quietly.

"Like what?" Pierce asked. My eyes flashed to him as old memories returned.

"I promised my Mother," I answered, "My Father, I did once to... my brother... Ava, Dad, and Pop." I nodded and looked down the hall.

"Mind if I look around?" I asked, already turning the corner and running to hide. They ran right by me.

~*~*~TIME SKIP~*~*~

"THEY HAD A HOT TUB AND DIDN'T TELL ME?!" I screamed, "Screw looking around! I need this!" I slipped off my shirt and jeans, along with my sneakers and jumped on in. The water was so warm and relaxing! AHHH!!! IT WAS PERFECT!

"Princess, Tristian?" I heard Pierce say as I looked over to see all their weapons drawn.

"Hello!" I said and leaned back in the water, letting it catch my hair along the top.

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