Chapter Six

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*This is where the Collman family lives.

When I wake up I notice an arm holding me down. Wait an arm who's arm is this. As I look over I see Leo still asleep with a small grin on his face. With his black hair a mess I slowly run my hand through it.

"Morning Amara are you in any pain today, " says with eyes closed. I jump and it hurts when I move. But I won't tell him that. I have put him through enough already.

"Yeah I'm good. Can we please do something today?" I ask batting my eyelashes.

"Sure what do you want to do?" he says agreeing with me.

"All I want is to get out of this hospital, " I say trying to get up.

"Hold on let the doctor make sure you are well enough to leave." he says pulling me back to him.

I see his face go blank again for a couple of seconds. "What are you doing when you look off into the distance and don't respond to anyone?" I finish

" I'm mind linking, We are able to communicate through our wolves back and forth. So I was asking the doctor to come in," he says watching the door.

"Hello, Miss.Faith I hope you remember me. If not I'm Dr.White," she continues as she checks all the monitors. "Well if you don't have any outstanding pain you should be able to walk around for a little while. No heavy lifting and your ribs will take several weeks to heal unless we somehow find away to get your wolf back."

"So what you are saying is I can leave now?" very hopeful she says it as a clear yes.

"You may leave, just be careful." she says leaving.

"Leo come help me up," I say holding out my hands for him to take. He takes my hands and helps me up slowly.

"Are you good to walk, " he says still holding my hands.

"Yup let's go, " I say leaving him behind in the room not knowing where I'm going.

"Amara where are you going? The doors are that way, " he says pointing in the opposite direction. I walk up to him and look into the grey eyes showing me that I am safe from my father. I take his hand and start to walk out of the hospital.

"Where are we going?" I ask looking around taking in the new territory I will be staying in.

" Let's go to my parent's house it is only a short distance away compared to the packhouse." he heads towards a dirt path.

"Leo my legs hurt, also my ribs are starting to hurt from breathing, " I says over exaggerating it, but I am tired so it is ok.

"Ok I will carry you we still have a couple minutes till we get to the house," he says giving me a piggy back ride.

"Thank you so much" I say into the crook of his neck. As I talk into his neck goosebumps grow across his skin. I like the fact I have the effect on him for some reason.

"Ok we are here now. Since you didn't walk I was able to get us here faster," once I look up at the house it is a beautiful wooden house.

"Wow this is beautiful" I say to Leo.

"Yea it is nice" what is he talking about this is the best house I have seen. " So you are about to meet my parents for the first time," he says uneasy. Why is he uneasy about this I want to meet them to tell them thanks for raising such a great son.

"I'm ok with that, I have to thank them for something, " he looks at me with the corner of his eye.

"What would that be," he says questioning me.

"That is a secret" I whisper into his ear. I made goosebumps grow across his neck again.

As we enter the house I see Ashlynn playing with some dolls. Their is a man and woman sitting on the coach. Leo looks exactly like the man in front of me. So the woman next to him must be Leo's mother.

"Amara this is Clara and Xavier Collman, my parents. Also, you have met my little sister Ashlynn" he says looking towards his parents.

"Oh my baby has finale found his mate!" His mother squeals towards us. She stands up and runs towards us as Leo puts me back on the ground. Once I'm on the ground I'm out into a bone crushing hug. "You are so pretty the moon goddess has chosen well!"

"Thanks, " I say trying to breathe.

"Mom let her go. Her ribs are hurt and we don't want to end up back in the hospital. If you let her go we can talk, " he says calmly as Clara lets me go. I fall back into Leo's chest as I catch my breath.

"Ok, Amara right? My son has talked so much about you. We came and saw you when you were unconscious. I'm so glad to see you up and about. That I'm able to actually meet you." She says without a breath.

"Hi, I guess you know my name is Amara I'm 18 and I just moved to town." I say not totally sure about what to say.

"Mom I think it is time for Amara to go rest for a bit, " Leo says taking my hand in his. Pulling me towards the stairs.

"Thanks, I would really like to get out of these old clothes. They remind me of a time I don't want to know." I really want a shower with an actual bed.

" Well let's get to my room and you can take a shower there, " he says leading me to a room at the end of the hall.

When he opens the door I see a dark blue room with giant windows on one side of the room. He walks in and sits on his black and blue themed bed.

"Come in, the shower is in that room over there, " pointing to a door on the opposite wall of the bed.

"Well, I'm gonna go for a shower. Are there any clothes for me?" I ask Leo.

"Yeah, Maddie went shopping while you were out and got you somethings. When you passed out I had Ezra get something from your house if you want anything from there," as Leo walks to a different door. "This is the closet. You get half the closet."

"Thank you for everything you have done Leo, I am so grateful for meeting you. You saved my life." as I wrap my arms around his torso. " I will try my best with anything you need me to do and will learn to accept what you have told me." As I look into his eyes, I see an emotion that I haven't seen in a while. I see someone who is happy that I am alive and cares for me.

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