KOTLC Characters as Texts

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Sophie: the_moonlark

Keefe: l.o.r.d_hunky

Biana: sparklyqueen<3

Fitz: wondrous.teal.eyes

Dex: that.innocent.technopath

Tam: shady_salt_shaker

Linh: kawaii.potato_cat123

Marella: look.theres.fire7

the_moonlark: I know I'm super weak right now, but I NEED TO COME WITH YOU GUYS. Seriously.

sparklyqueen<3: Uhh

sparklyqueen<3: We are just going to Dex's house to give him back one of his tools...

the_moonlark: Yeah, but what if you drop the tool and break it? The point is, I need to be a part of everything. Every. Single. Thing. You. Guys. Do.

the_moonlark: I am the moonlark! You all depend on me! It always has to be meeee!

sparklyqueen<3: You're more likely to drop it

sparklyqueen<3: that's how you got hurt in the first place, because you insisted on coming when you were still weak

sparklyqueen<3: we are JUST returning a tool. it's something very small

the_moonlark: well, just saying, you guys will fail without me

the_moonlark: because

the_moonlark: I

the_moonlark: am

the_moonlark: the

sparklyqueen<3: moonlark

the_moonlark: ...

sparklyqueen<3: ...

the_moonlark: ...

sparklyqueen<3: ...

the_moonlark: you know what?

the_moonlark: I'll just stay in my bed to soak in self pity

a/n: okay that was really bad...but I feel like Sophie loves to insist on coming, for everything, just because she's the moonlark. This chapter was bad. Please leave some suggestions and feedback! I didn't include all of the characters because I probably will do one of these again.

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