KOTLC Valentines Day Special (ft. b1acksoap)

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ztarchiuu: Hi guys, and welcome to B1acksoap's Special Baking Show! Today we will have our contestants whip up some delightful sweet treats in celebration of Valentine's Day!

b1acksoap: I am lowkey so excited to be here— l only came here to meet the Keeper characters, honestly.

ztarchiuu: I only came here for the food.


ztarchiuu: Anyways, bring in the contestants!

(SOPHIE, FITZ, BIANA, LINH, MARELLA, KEEFE, TAM, and DEX walk in. KEEFE is dressed in a pink elephant costume.)

Keefe: Hey, where's the costume party?

b1acksoap: Welcome! It is truly an honor to meet you now. Please sit down.

Biana: But there aren't any chairs—

ztarchiuu: Today we'll be starting our first round of a show which is totally not a print-out replica of the Holiday Baking Championship! *wink wonk*

b1acksoap: Ever celebrated Valentine's Day? Ever had that special someone?

(SOPHIE squeezes KEEFE'S hand, though his eyes are on TAM. TAM'S eyes, however, are on BIANA.)

ztarchiuu: *eyeing the leftover people* Yeah, me neither.

b1acksoap: For our warm-up you guys will have to craft special desserts out of the truffles from traditional heart chocolate boxes.

ztarchiuu: You guys have 5 minutes

Sophie: shouldnt there be like at least 30 minutes??

ztarchiuu: nope

b1acksoap: and your time starts...now!

~10 minutes later~

b1acksoap: after the judging, we've come to the conclusion...

ztarchiuu: nobody wins! They were all trash so lets order pizza


ztarchiuu: lol sorry for the crappy ending b1acksoap started writing most of it and gave up so i tried to wrap it up but it failed

happy valentines day!

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