32 - y largo olvido

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Before we start this chapter, let's do a short recap...

In the last chapter of Smile, Billie, Bea finally tells Billie that she had dated Mason to get over her, and just as they were about to kiss for the second time, the sudden sound of a flatline was heard.

~DulcetDaydream presents...
. . . Chapter 32 . . .

32 - y largo olvido

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32 - y largo olvido

My mom takes a deep breath to calm herself down as she looks at me in the audience for reassurance.

I try giving her a small smile, but lately, I can't seem to find my emotions, so I end up staring at her with lifeless eyes.

My mom holds the small microphone attached to the podium, and looks at the audience in sadness.

She bitterly smiles as she starts speaking...

"We are gathered here today to mourn the loss of Antonio Luis Kendall."

Hearing my dad's name makes my heart slightly flinch.

"As his wife, I have the honor to speak here on behalf of our family," she quietly says as she pauses for a brief moment; looking up the ceiling as she tries to hold back her tears.

"We mourn the loss of the most selfless person I know... a husband, a best friend, a loving father to my children..."

She sobs as she shakes her head.

"He's gone," her voice cracks as she looks at us with teary eyes.

"My best friend is gone; the love of my life. My children... now fatherless," she gives a deep frown as a tear slides down her cheek. "You said you'd never leave, but look now."

I fix a hardened stare at the ground; not wanting to take a look at my hurting mom.

"I should've cherished those little moments I had with you..." she looks up the ceiling as she gives a deep sigh.

I should've, too.

I should've spent more time with my dad. I should've been there with him. When he was at the hospital, I should've stayed by his side...

But, what did I do?

I was being all happy while my dad was suffering.

That night when he first got confined? I was with Zoe, Billie, and Q.

At a party.

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