Just Some Flustered Grown Adults

476 29 4

Your POV:

Right when I had gotten home from work, I immediately sat down and dialed Karamatsu's number, I wouldn't say I'm desperate or anything, I was just ecstatic to be in contact with him again. I mean, I barely know him, he could have changed drastically (though it didn't seem likely). 

The phone rang as I nervously bit onto my nails. What if one of his brothers picked up? I really didn't feel like taking the bus to Karamatsu's house to bicker with five grown men. 

"Hello?" A voice murmured.

"U-Uhm, I'm calling for Karamatsu-kun!" I squeaked out anxiously. 

"Oh! (Y/N)-chan! It's me, Karamatsu; I didn't think you'd call so soon."

"I-I'm sorry, is this a bad time? I can hang up-"

"No! It's perfect! My brothers went out to eat and I stayed home. I was actually planning on calling you, too," Karamatsu chuckled.

"That's great, we can catch up some more," I smiled. 

I felt so warm inside. I hadn't been this joyful in a while; I think working non-stop sucked all the life out of me! It was great just to talk to someone again, especially Karamatsu. It makes me wish that I'd stayed in touch with him after we graduated.

We had practically talked for an hour or so until Karamatsu had said his brothers were coming, claiming that he could hear their drunk shouting from a block away. I bid him goodnight and hung up the phone. I wondered if he'd call me next time.

Karamatsu POV:

I quickly slammed the phone back onto its stand and stumbled upstairs to our room. I didn't want my bruzzahs to find me standing in the middle of the hallway, looking very suspicious. They'd surely be skeptical of me. 

I heard the door slid open harshly, shaking the whole house, and the loud "Tadaima"s of my dearest bruzzahs. I grabbed the nearest magazine and tried to look busy as they staggered up the stairs.

"Oi, kuso, you're not in bed already?" Osomatsu asked me.

"Heh~ Of course not. I wanted to wait for-"

"Can you set up the futon for us then? We drank too much at Chibita's again and we're all super tired! Thanks, love you~" He sang out, skipping out of the room.

I grumbled and pulled out the long futon. I wonder: would (Y/N) really pound my bruzzahs for me? I mean, I'm not asking for it, but...It would be nice if I was treated better for once. 

As soon as the futon was set down, my bruzzhas ran into the room, jumping onto the neatly made bed and curled up into the covers. As they settled in, I walked towards the bathroom to get myself ready for bed. I thought to myself for a moment, how different life would be if I was with dear (Y/N).

What am I thinking?! 

I stared into the reflection of my bright red face and continued monologuing. I guess it's okay if I do have a teensy crush on (Y/N)...She's really great, who wouldn't fall in love with her? She has the cutest face that never changed since high school and shiny (h/c) hair that perfectly compliments her; plus, she smells like sweets! She's just as nice as she was in high school, she hasn't changed, and that's what I lo-like about her. 

Crap. I've been monologuing in the bathroom for too long again.

I crept into the shared bedroom, careful not to wake my dear bruzzahs, especially Ichimatsu, and slid under the covers. I lay there, staring at the ceiling and wondered about tomorrow. I suppose I do have a crush on (Y/N)...Again. I closed my eyes and silently wished for dreams about her; I should be the one to call her this time.

{It got kinda bland again in the ends. whoops ;(. but, uh, i mean, kara has come to terms with his feelings so...? uh,hgg,, also i feel like (Y/N) doesn't really have a personality so gotta work on that too,, ALSO this is shorter then I expected wh o o p s.,.,.,..}

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