uhh matsus apparently don't know who y/n is ig,,

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lol hiiii !!1 uh I've been meaning to write this all week and kept forgetting lol.. urrmrm like I said before, idk where this fic is going but I think I'm going to be wrapping it up in a few chapters, though it really depends.. 

Karamatsu POV:

Slowly sliding the door open, I quietly step inside the house. 

"...Tadaima..." I quietly whisper, hoping to not alert my dear brothers.

Suddenly, I hear a trample of footsteps running down the stairs. Shit!

"Jyushimatsu, octopus hold!" Osomatsu yells.

"Ah! N-no--" Jyushimatsu tightly grabs me as the rest of my brothers surround me. 

"So, karamachan...Who was that girl, huh?!" Osomatsu yells. "Wait, don't tell me--they-...Y-you're d-d-dating them?!"

"N-no! I-er.." I fumble. "W-what do you mean? You've already met them"

"...Eh?" My brothers say in unison. 

"Aiuchi (Y/N)-chan? We went to high school with them!"

"E-eh, high school? I barely can remember what happened in high school, let alone who are peers were!" Choromatsu says. 

"Oh, they were the one you were talking with at the reunion, right?" Todomatsu adds.

"Yes, my dear buraza Totty!"

"Mmph, and they were the one you left our quality brother time to hang out with, yeah?" Osomatsu pouts.

"W-well...I mean-"

The phone rings before I could say anything else.

"Is...that them?" Ichimatsu asks.

"I-I mean, it could be-"

Quickly, my brothers all begin to run to the phone, stumbling over each other to be the one to answer the phone. Regrettably, Osomatsu gets there first and picks up the phone from the handle. 

"Hello, Osomatsu's speaking~" He sings in a mocking tone as he sneers.

Jyushimatsu swiftly yanks the phone from Ososmatsu and begins to yell something about baseball into the speaker. Before he could shout anymore, Choromatsu grabs the phone and tries to apologize for the yelling but continuously stumbles over his words. 

"Gimmie it," Ichimatsu snatches the phone from Choromatsu's already-sweaty hands, as he tries to block Osomatsu and Jysuhimatsu from tackling Ichimatsu. Yet, only a quiet, nervous whisper comes from him, and (Y/N)-chan isn't even able to understand what he said.

"Ugh, seriously, you guys are the worst," Todomatsu takes the phone from Ichimatsu and presses it against his ear. "Hi, this is Todomatsu, the youngest and cutest brother! But, you can just call me Totty! Sorry about my dumb older brothers!"

A faint, inaudible voice replies, and Todomatsu giggles. The rest of my dear brothers watch in awe and jealousy as Totty attempts to converse with (Y/N)-chan.

"Tch, here Shittymatsu," He grumbles. "They only want to talk with you."

"O-oh," I quickly snap out of my daze as Totty hands me the phone. Turning from my brothers, I ask: "How are you, my dear (Y/N)-chan?"

"Oh, I'm doing fine, Kara-kun! Sorry, I was just calling to let you know that I got home safe; I know you were worried about me when I dropped you off," They reply.

"Oh, okay; I'm glad you got home safe then, my flower," I smile as my brothers groan from my constant use of pet names. 

"Mh, okay, I should let you go then; it seems like you and your brothers are busy"

Peering behind me, I see envious glares; as much as I'd like, I shouldn't let this call be any longer.

"Right, okay then. I'll see you soon, my dearest angel!" I gleam as I hang up the phone.

Just as a place the phone back onto the stand, a hand suddenly grabs my shoulder and turns me around. 

"Well, well, well, 'Kara-kun'," Osomatsu mocks, "So, when do we get to meet this '(Y/N)-chan'?"

lololol sorry this is really short; shorter than my last chapter I think, but uh... idk its kind of hard to write continuously  without inspiration or motivation...so like,, props to those people who're able to update fics like every week U_U..also this chapter is sorta boring?? idk it (once again) doesn't have any (Y/N)/Kara content, but just dynamic stuff between the matsus; but I mean, they'll finally get to formally meet (Y/N) so that's p epic ig ...lol

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 30, 2020 ⏰

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