Chapter Twenty-Eight

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The commoner's clothes were a bit different. They always had holes at the backs of their shirts for wings. Some of them were wide and open, others were just little slits. Most of their tops were decorated with a band or colored strip that lined these openings.

Some of the tops were sleeveless, others were long sleeved with wells of fabric at the wrists. The citizens of Hazelshire were all diverse; each Faerie seemed to be unique in their own way. I felt dull among the bright colors around me.

I continued following Halvor through the city. It was bustling with citizens, some carrying baskets of food and others taking a leisurely stroll down every path. The air was speckled with traveling Faeries, and they were buzzing so fast the wings became a blur behind them.

"My son will be a fine leader." Halvor spoke, silenced the entire town with just his voice. The once animated voice were now hushed. "He owns a little, basic shop in the town square. Simplistic, that boy is... always toying with those potions."

My voice came out in a retort before I knew it. "It's what he loves to do. I haven't seen even a smidge of what he's fully capable of, and I've seen a lot. That alone is stunning to me. He made a potion to take us here. He made a potion to cross realities just to get an ingredient." Halvor turned and looked at me, an unreadable look crossing his aged face.

"He's ambitious. He stops at nothing, even if it's a challenge. He does anything to get his ingredients, and I love that about him. He's so passionate that he's willing to risk himself to get what he needs." I continued, as if on a rampage, and when I finally stopped Halvor was speechless. A few Faeries had gathered around to watch, both in terror and wonder.

"You dare speak to me that way, human? You may be assisting my son with Lordship now but when your crown breaks, I am wrapping my hands around that pathetic life of yours and squeezing." His grumbling voice was eerily calm, but his tone was unmistakably chiding. Like father like son, I guess.

"Just listen to me, please." I raised my hands in surrender. He paused for a moment and watched me with narrowed, judging eyes.

"I'm sorry for snapping at you, but you have to understand.. Faelin is special to me. He might be a prince, or a Lord, but he's also a skilled alchemist. That's all he ever talks about. This adorable idiot goes on and on to describe what goes well with what, and what to avoid. He never stops talking about ingredients and alchemy. You can tell it's his true passion." I found myself smiling when I spoke.

"Your son wouldn't have come back if it weren't for his potions."

Halvor grimaced at me, "You are a human. You know nothing of alchemy. You know nothing of us. Your mind is inferior." he said only that, then turned to keep walking. I caught up with him, letting him have another earful.

"I might be human but I'm not lower than you just because I don't have wings or cool ripples on my tongue." His eyes widened, but he said nothing. We continued to subtly bicker until we reached a store called "The Two-Tailed Tailor" with a minute slanted roof. It wasn't as big as the others; it looked more like an outpost than a shop.

As we entered, the scent of laundry and mint filled my senses. It was nice and crisp inside. The muted threading of a needle poking fabric could be heard from a few feet away. Two Faeries sat at a table and worked on a shirt, while another three were spread about the little shop.

One was at a shelf, another at a bench and the last at a counter, counting out little silver pieces. The one at the counter noticed us and quickly perked up, adjusting the monocle at her nose. She gave Halvor a sheepish grin, flicking her eyes my way.

"Lovely morning to you, Lord Halvor." she greeted, blowing slightly behind the counter, "here to fit the human heir, I see?" He simply nodded, exchanging glances with another Faerie. They hurriedly looked away and a blush bloomed on their cheeks.

"Right this way then. They stepped back from the counter and entered a small back room, gesturing for me to follow. Nervously, I looked back to Halvor to see him scoffing. Thanks a lot.

"Uh, you're not going to... do anything, right?" I asked, watching her with a skeptical eye. She waved me off with a lilting titter.

"Of course not, heir. Today is the Prince's and your coronation. I only want to get the right measurements for your raiment." She opened the door a little wider, ushering me inside with a smirk.

She reached for a long rod that was propped against the wall. Without warning, the Faerie pressed it against me and leaned down, examining my height. "Lift your arms." she told me quietly, and I obliged.

A few minutes later, we were out of there with new clothes. They were practically sparkling in the sunlight when we went back outside. The common Faeries gave us curious glances, but I just smiled and walked side by side with Halvor.

Once we returned to the citadel, Halvor left me to myself and I finally had a good look at what I was going to wear. A long robe with sparkling chains around the hips, and an opening in the middle that slit all the way down to the stomach... It was quite revealing. I guess they were comfortable with skin.

A pair of baggy white pants accompanied the splitting robe of pale tan. The fabric was cool and silky, but the thin chains of gold were rough to the touch. The pair of heeled sandals that went with it were much like Faelin's.

But, I had no idea how to wear heels.

Sure, I was comfortable wearing the sandals, but my main problem was walking in them. I could already see myself tripping right in the middle of the coronation, with every citizen in Hazelshire watching me. I shuddered at the thought.

I undressed and slipped into the new clothing. My eyes were stuck on the way the lower robes parted to reveal my chest. These Faeries had no remorse when it came to clothing.

I slipped on the sandals and they fit me well. I clipped the golden cuffs that came with the robes, sliding them down to my wrists. The chains around my hips were of tiny golden loops that linked together to form a gentle string. They weren't anything like the thick chains used in prison.

A small selection of meticulous necklaces were stored in a leather coin purse. I looped a little silver pendant around my neck while I braided my hair and quickly tied the end with a silky ribbon. I anchored my gaze to the mirror to the Faerie's bathroom, shocking myself with the sight.

I looked like a completely different person with this on. I no longer had my jacket or stained t-shirt. I looked... royal, which was odd.

I turned a few times, watching as the ankle-length robe swished with every move I made. The sleeveless top left my arms and shoulders bare. My chest was also exposed to everyone and anyone. The robe's opening just barely covered my nipples.

Good thing my chest was nearly hairless, save a few dusted hairs across the dip.

Holding my other clothes, I stepped out of the bathroom and made my way to what I thought was a balcony. Instead, I found the steps to Faelin's quarters in the same secluded and heavily guarded area. I was about to go up when someone blocked my way.

Faelin was gently trailing down the stairway space with that same stunning outfit on. My heart hammered. His eyes found mine and it felt as if we'd met for the first time all over again.


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