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Are there are any questions that I missed? If you have a question that I didn't answer, comment or DM me so I know! I will update this part as more questions come out!


Q: How old is Dain in the beginning of the story?
A: Dain is 23 when the story starts!

Q: Who is older, Faelin or Dain?
A: Faelin is older by one human year! (And hundreds of Silleon years.)

Q: Can we know more about Hakket?
A: Hakket is shy and reserved. He is not your usual Austere Dwarf, as they're hungry for a rush of adrenaline. He seeks peace wherever he can find it, and enjoys the little things rather than chaos and bloodshed.

Q: Will there be a sequel?
A: Shhh...

Q: What happened to Halvor after the coronation?
A: He tries his best to guide Elisen on the throne. His life has reached the late seven thousands in the Epilogue, so he is usually resting in his quarters... if not in the kitchens looking for a treat!

Q: What inspired this story?
A: Many things! It all started with cosplayer that tried out a Zodiac trend. I really liked one of their photos, so I vaguely based Faelin's appearance on it. I eventually made a backstory for him, and I wanted to make something more out of his character, so now we have DIS!

Q: Will Seth die in the cell?
A: That is up for the reader to decide.

Q: Did Hakket make it home safely?
A: Yes! He and his husband, whose name will be revealed in the near future, were finally reunited after years of Hakket's imprisonment.

Q: How is Elisen as the Lord of Oletis?
A: They are a perfect fit for the throne. They and their mate are living comfortably among the peaceful lands of Silleon!

Q: How long did it take you to finish DIS?
A: About a year! Lots of planning and scrapped plot.

Q: What was Seth trying to accomplish?
A: Seth was trying to advance his scientific research. He wanted to experiment on Faelin and use his Chapna in order to progress a study on the alien life of Silleon.


More questions will be added soon.

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